Friday, July 12, 2013

Matt Said, Jay Said...The Heat is On!!

Matt has a seizure…Jayman is paralyzed…You are stricken dumbfounded by their hotness and humidity.

Matt:  What the hell?  How the hell did you get this number?
Jay:  You gave it to me like three years ago.
Matt:  Oh…Jayman?
Jay:  Yes?
Matt:  Oh wow.  I thought you were a bill collector.
Jay:  I am in a way…I want a return on my suffering with you.
Matt:  Ha.. That’s funny…Anyhoo…What should we do this week?
Jay:  No, seriously…I figure that you owe me, Six Thousand, Nine-Hun--
Matt:  Ha. Funny Man…

Jay:  Okay let’s talk about the show and I’ll talk reparations later.
Matt:  Sweeeeeeet!!

Jay:  I hear Luis took his Citizenship test today.
Matt:  Yep.  And he passed!!
Jay:  Ole!!
Matt:  He may have to work on Sunday, but his wife can talk to us.
Jay:  That would be awesome!!
Matt:  IKR?  We could ask her about how now that Luis is an American, he cares about nothing.
Jay:  I know that I don’t.
Matt:  Me neither.

Jay:  I was thinking that perhaps we could just wing it again this week.
Matt:  Last week’s winging it show wasn’t too hateful!!
Jay:  IKR?
Matt:  We can talk about the George Zimmerman trial.
Jay:  We can and will, and dig this…
Matt:  Oh Dear God, what?

Jay:  They are going to be filming a movie here in Redneckville and Bobby Kraft is going to be in it.
Matt:  Really!!?
Jay:  Yes!!  I mean, probably…and Dixie Ozark is going to interview Bobby about it.
Matt:  That’s HOT!!
Jay:  IKR?

Matt:  Well let me tell ya…Drive-By Mikey is leaving for a week, and I’ll be in charge of the Beer Mine!!
Jay:  Are you gonna make some wacky changes?
Matt:  He won’t recognize the place nor his customers when he gets back.
Jay:  Good to see that you are building the business and we should talk about that.
Matt:  I am a team player, and we will.

Jay: So…we hit the week’s news HAM and then be our charming selves?
Matt:  Is there a better plan?
Jay:  No fucking way!!

Matt:  So there you go…People should join us tomorrow, Sunday July 14th LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio as IWS Radio once again hits the mark and supplies the funny.

If you’d like to listen LIVE this Sunday at Noon ET click HERE.

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