Saturday, July 27, 2013

Alex Rodriguez: IWS Person of the Week!

IWS would like to congratulate Alex Rodriguez for being named our Person of the Week! That’s right, A-Rod has had a pretty eventful week and has earned the admiration of the folks here at IWS!

Alex started the week pretending that he wasn’t facing a HUGE suspension for yet another involvement with steroids or HGH or whatever by DEMANDING the Yankees bring him back onto the roster after his rehab stint. Then he tweaked his quad and the Yankees decided to put him back on the DL.

That wasn’t good enough for the biggest ego in baseball sing Reggie Jackson though. Oh no, he sent his MRI to some doctor somewhere and had him review it and declare A-Rod fit to play. Then he sent this doctor onto Mike Francesa’s radio show. This all after GM Brian Cashman had told A-Rod to “shut the fuck up” just a couple of weeks ago.

What a soap opera! And the best part of it Yankees fan are pretending that A-Rod doesn’t belong to them. Sorry folks, he’s going to be the “face” of the Steroid Era and he will be wearing a Yankees uniform. Deal with it.

So, for being a cheat, an asshole and a bigger narcissist then Anthony Weiner, YOU, Alex Rodriguez are the IWS “Person of the Week!!

Be sure to catch us on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET for our Sexy Sexting Show!!! 

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