Friday, July 26, 2013

Matt Said, Jay Said...8"

Matt sextings.  Jay sextings.  You feel uncomfortable.

Matt:  You have reached Matty-Boy, state your business.
Jay:  What are you wearing?
Matt:  Nothing but the see-through veneer of a thousand regrets.
Jay:  Thaaaaaat…issssssssss…HOT!!
Matt:  IKR?

Jay:  It’s a line that Anthony Weiner only dreams that he could come up with.
Matt:  Pffffffft.  Amateur.
Jay:  So…I guess there really isn’t any way around it, is there?
Matt:  Nope.

Jay and Matt:  Hmmmmm?

Jay:  Nope.

Matt and Jay:  This Sunday is going to be the Sexy Sexting Show on IWS Radio!!

Matt:  We can talk about Weinergate.
Jay:  Talk about famous people in the past and what they would have been sexting.
Matt:  Describe how you and I have NO idea what sexting, cyber sex, and, peni---
Jay:  Or what stalking is all about!!
Matt:  Word.

Jay:  I bet Rev. Moneymaker has a few negative thoughts on this sexting thing.
Matt:  Oh I bet he does, and I am certain that Paul Piatt feels esoteric about it.
Jay:  Isn’t he always esoteric about everything?
Matt:  Maybe.

Jay:  Alright then…Sexy Sexting it is.
Matt:  We are getting so good at this.
Jay:  IKR?  We could just phone this shit in.
Matt:  Well we do.
Jay:  Ah…Yeah I guess we do.

Matt:  Well my good man we are ready.  Enjoy your baked chicken this evening.
Jay:  I will and enjoy your hot dogs, or…should I call them weiners?
Matt:  You should.
Jay:  I just did.
Matt:  I guess you did, in that case...Good Night!!
Jay:  Nightie Night!!

Catch Jay, Matt, and the entire IWS Radio crew LIVE this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.

To listen LIVE you can click below and/or call-in LIVE at 661.244.9852

Sexy Sexting on IWS Radio

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