Friday, July 19, 2013

Matt Said, Jay Said 5318008

Matt blathers, Jay blathers, You are mildly amused.

Matt: Seriously?
Jay: Reaaaaaaly?
Matt: How the hell are ya?
Jay: Freaking awesome!
Matt: That’s great!
Jay: IKR?!
Matt: You’re lying aren’t you?
Jay: Kinda.
Matt: Awwwww … What’s wrong?
Jay: Oh nothing really. Life is just hard, that’s all.
Matt: Oh if that’s all it is then … Suck it up big boy!
Jay: *sigh* … Yeah.
Matt: Oh that’s just pathetic.
Jay: Let me open a Pepsi. That always picks me up a bit.
Matt: There you go. Do what makes you happy!
Jay: Good advice!
Matt: I’m full of great advice. For other people.
Jay: Ha! Me too. Actually, my advice usually sucks.
Matt: Oh God! Here we go …
Jay: Actually, people are bad at taking my advice.
Matt: There you go! Blame others.
Jay: That does make it all better.
Matt: That’s why I do it.

Jay: So how are things witchu?
Matt: Well I guess I have to say fine now!
Jay: Why?
Matt: You’re sympathy well is pretty dry right now.
Jay: Oh I don’t know. I’m a pretty sympathetic guy.
Matt: Well things are fine here.
Matt: Yeah, it is.
Matt: Why thank you. I knew you cared.
Jay: I do actually.
Matt: I know you do.
Jay: I care TOO much actually.
Matt: Aaaaand here we go again.
Jay: No, no, no. I’m not gonna bum everyone out.
Matt: I appreciate that.

Jay: Got any topic ideas?
Matt: Well, I’ve got a few things to talk about.
Jay: That’s good. Me too.
Matt: We need a big topic though.
Jay: Something to bring it all together.
Matt: I’m in the mood for …
Jay: Pizza?
Matt: No.
Jay: Beer?
Matt: No.
Jay: Music?
Matt: No.
Jay: What’s left?
Matt: Looooooooooove!
Jay: Okay, I’ll hold.
Matt: Noooooooo! Let’s talk about love!
Jay: Ohhhhh people we love.
Matt: Loved and lost!
Jay: Unrequited love!
Matt: Lovers vs. Friends!
Jay: Men and Women as friends?
Matt: Yeah!
Jay: Oh hell yes! We can do this.
Matt: It’ll be kind of like Woodstock.
Jay: Summer of Love!
Matt: There we go!
Jay: Brilliant!
Matt: Let’s do this!
Jay: Hell yeah! 

So, be sure to tune into “Summer of Love” on IWS Radio this Sunday at 12 Noon ET! 

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