Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Hangover Has Struck Like Lightning!!

Hi IWS Radio listeners and readers, Ben Franklin here...

What?  It was America's Birthday yesterday, and now...I have a hangover...of course I do, and I spent the night with Anna Nicole that so wrong?

Being Benjamin Franklin, I hope you understandeth...anyhoo...

She was a lightning storm of excitement.  Keep calm and carry on, and remember...

"The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself."

And let me tell ya...Last night?

I was chasing happiness all over the place.  Anna and I had fun...when I finally caught up to her that is,  and man...I am still impressed by the speed of angels.

I never realized that once one was heaven sent, that a big girl could move so damn fast.

But anyway, Anna ate eight brats, and I drank eight kegs, and we enjoyed a symbiotic relationship that I haven't  experienced  since I stuck my patriotic dork inside of Josephine's puff pastry.

Anyhooeth...I am tired.

And since the 4th of July Holiday has probably made you tired as well, you could always listen t o IWS Radio...

They had a great show last Sunday, so give it a listen, it's not going to take away any of your rights by doing so.

Drunk on History 06/30 by IWS Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Well...I have to go...even in Heaven, Anna still needs her drugs, so I have to swing past Jefferson's place and get her hooked up.

Here's to over developed Americans like Anna Nicole Smith...

Matt's Facebook Page

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