Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hanging Out, Getting Interviewed & Taking Days Off

Holaaaaaaaaaaa! So, this is just a quick post to let you know that there is no post today. Well, okay, there’s a post today, but it’s not regular type post. I’m posting yesterday’s show which was awesome and you should totally listen to it.

We basically just kicked back and shot the breeze for the whole time. Well, for a while we shot the breeze with Bill the Kid down at the Beer Mine. That was pretty exciting. Then at the end of the show we shot the breeze with Mike who didn’t really have anything, but he called in anyway cause Matt yelled at him to and so he could tell is John Goodman story.

We did have a very special Poet’s Corner with Paul Piatt, a reading of some of the top Favstar Tweets by Bobby Kraft and a few live look-ins at Wimbledon.  Aaaaaaaaaand of course there was a Pee Break with Schmoop where she talked about her Staycation!

Other than that we talked about our Fourth of July weeks, Jay’s family being in town including the sweet little doggies. Jay’s trip to Springfield, MO and the Springfield Brewing Company and Bass Pro Shops and Matt’s bitter disappointment that Rally’s was closed on the fourth. And then we talked about lots of other stuff too cause we didn’t have any topic for the show.

Anyway, even without a topic it went pretty smoothly and was actually an above average show. So listen to it DAMMIT! Please.

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Because we’re both very busy men, there won’t be any posts here until Thursday the 11th of July. Thanks for your cooperation and always remember that you could use the time you would have been reading us to listen to Matt and Jay LIVE over and over and over again.

P.S. On Tuesday July 9th at 6:30 PM ET Matt and Jay will be the special guests on KatieDGirl Show! She will be interviewing us for about 30 minutes about, uh, stuff. Anyway, if you’d like to listen you can do so RIGHT HERE!

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