Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lee Yoon-hye IWS Person of the Week!

Welcome to the first ever edition of our newest feature here on IWS the “Person of the Week.” That’s right y’all, we finally retired the Babe of the Week. We didn’t come to this decision lightly either. Okay, yes we did. It was totally on a whim during the Matt and Jay LIVE episode of IWS Radio that Jay just up and said “Hey, we could drop the ‘Babe of the Week’ and change it to ‘Person of the Week’!” And Matt said “Okay.”  See how easy it is to make decisions guys?

So, for our inaugural Person of the Week we looked for someone who has done something amazing this week that we could celebrate. It didn’t take long to realize that Lee Yoon-hye, the flight attendant who was the HERO of Asiana Flight 214 should be given the honor.

Despite her small stature, Mz Yoon-hye acted fast and decisively right after the crash and began helping passengers to safety without regard to her own safety. She was even seen by some passenger carrying people out of the plane. Time and again she went back into the plane that was engulfed in flames to make sure that everyone got off.

Probably the most inspiring moment was when Lee put a frightened child on her back and took him down the emergency slide because he was paralyzed with fear. Once on the ground and out of danger, Lee continued to take charge and kept everyone organized and safe.

What was already a horrifying crash could have been so much worse in terms of loss of life had it not been for Lee Yoon-hye and for that she is the inaugural IWS Radio Person of the Week!  

Also, don't forget to listen to "Heat Wave of Hilarity" on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET!!!! 

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