Cheers Chuckleheads!!
Yesterday, after broadcasting along with Jayman yet another award winning episode of I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio which revolved around all the sexting scandals and bad behavior that is transpiring in our society, I took a nap.
Okay…I ate a humongous double fish sandwich lovingly prepared by my friends at Rally’s, and then took a nap, but nonetheless…
When I awoke, I was thinking more seriously about Weinergate, Sanfordgate, Geraldogate, and said to myself…
“You know Matt-Man…Old men texting pics of themselves and speaking illicitly to young women, and knowing that old women do the same thing with younger men. That‘s funny shit right there.”
And then I remembered something that Noel Paul Stookey, the Paul of Peter, Paul, and Dead Mary fame, said years ago; something to the effect…
“As far as magazines go, we used to have LIFE, and then…we had People…after that, came Us…before you know it, we will have a magazine called, Me. It will be a magazine cover with a mirror on it.”
Good ol’ Paul was not too far off.
We do have a magazine called Me, but instead of it being constucted of paper, print, and staples, it comes in the form of the internet…in the form of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, 24/7 Cable News, radio, and to the chagrin of the masses who listen to our radio show, in the form of Blog Talk Radio, and a myriad of other social media outlets.
Oh Dear God…
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry puts a syllabus up on her Facebook page before her show that nobody watches. And why would they? Who wants to watch a show anchored by a somewhat black chick pretentious professor of color who talks and talks, says nothing, and wears tampon earrings?
Rachel Maddow is one who digs deep into the facts, yet, she only reports the facts that agree with her own sensibilities.
And of course there is Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton…Chris wants to make love to the President and Sharpton wants more from the President.
On the other hand…
Over at FOX NEWS and the right wing media circus.
Every morning as the rooster crows, Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and avant-garde MENSA President Gretchen Carlson level words of vitriol against President Obama for things like not paying for the penicillin to treat the gonorrhea of one, Lance Corporal Joe Middle America which he contracted during a stay in a Dhaka hotel with a Bangledeshi hooker.
Herman Cain has a radio show and he talks about repealing “Obamacare.” He doesn’t talk solutions, but he does talk repealing.
Rush Limbaugh talks about how Obama is the worst President in history, and that the morals of this country have gone down hill. And then? He goes home to his third wife, and smacks his nanny/drug mule on the ass and berates her for being too slow with the goods.
Sean Hannity may be the best of all. For three weeks he has talked about the travesty of the Trayvon Martn case, Obama’s socialism, and how white people are looked upon funny, and yet?
He cries a sparrow’s cry and weeps because our country is so divided, and he doesn’t understand why.
Here’s the thing…
Just like Weiner, Geraldo, and Sanford who immersed themselves into their own egos, lusts, and fully exposed themselves for the world to see, the people who cover these people and their stories, do it on a daily basis.
Lispy Girl, Maddow, Limbaugh, and Hannity…none of them give a fuck about making a difference, they just as does Anthony Weiner, want their numbers to shoot up.
Those media clowns are no different than the legislators that we elect, and the legislators that when indifferent to their agenda, they rail against on air.
Just as a, I’m going to change the world, bright-eyed politician wins his first seat, over time, he or she makes it about him or herself, and so do broadcasters.
After all, politicians aren’t there to help you out. They’re there to get re-elected. And broadcasters?
They aren't there to inform you. They are there to get renewed.
But....If you want to hear great journalism and funny stuff...Listen to I'm With Stupid which aired LIVE yesterday and we talked SEXTING!!
Matt’s Facebook Page
Yesterday, after broadcasting along with Jayman yet another award winning episode of I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio which revolved around all the sexting scandals and bad behavior that is transpiring in our society, I took a nap.
When I awoke, I was thinking more seriously about Weinergate, Sanfordgate, Geraldogate, and said to myself…
“You know Matt-Man…Old men texting pics of themselves and speaking illicitly to young women, and knowing that old women do the same thing with younger men. That‘s funny shit right there.”
And then I remembered something that Noel Paul Stookey, the Paul of Peter, Paul, and Dead Mary fame, said years ago; something to the effect…
“As far as magazines go, we used to have LIFE, and then…we had People…after that, came Us…before you know it, we will have a magazine called, Me. It will be a magazine cover with a mirror on it.”
Good ol’ Paul was not too far off.
We do have a magazine called Me, but instead of it being constucted of paper, print, and staples, it comes in the form of the internet…in the form of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, 24/7 Cable News, radio, and to the chagrin of the masses who listen to our radio show, in the form of Blog Talk Radio, and a myriad of other social media outlets.
Oh Dear God…
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry puts a syllabus up on her Facebook page before her show that nobody watches. And why would they? Who wants to watch a show anchored by a somewhat black chick pretentious professor of color who talks and talks, says nothing, and wears tampon earrings?
Rachel Maddow is one who digs deep into the facts, yet, she only reports the facts that agree with her own sensibilities.
And of course there is Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton…Chris wants to make love to the President and Sharpton wants more from the President.
On the other hand…
Over at FOX NEWS and the right wing media circus.
Every morning as the rooster crows, Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and avant-garde MENSA President Gretchen Carlson level words of vitriol against President Obama for things like not paying for the penicillin to treat the gonorrhea of one, Lance Corporal Joe Middle America which he contracted during a stay in a Dhaka hotel with a Bangledeshi hooker.
Herman Cain has a radio show and he talks about repealing “Obamacare.” He doesn’t talk solutions, but he does talk repealing.
Rush Limbaugh talks about how Obama is the worst President in history, and that the morals of this country have gone down hill. And then? He goes home to his third wife, and smacks his nanny/drug mule on the ass and berates her for being too slow with the goods.
Sean Hannity may be the best of all. For three weeks he has talked about the travesty of the Trayvon Martn case, Obama’s socialism, and how white people are looked upon funny, and yet?
He cries a sparrow’s cry and weeps because our country is so divided, and he doesn’t understand why.
Here’s the thing…
Just like Weiner, Geraldo, and Sanford who immersed themselves into their own egos, lusts, and fully exposed themselves for the world to see, the people who cover these people and their stories, do it on a daily basis.
Lispy Girl, Maddow, Limbaugh, and Hannity…none of them give a fuck about making a difference, they just as does Anthony Weiner, want their numbers to shoot up.
Those media clowns are no different than the legislators that we elect, and the legislators that when indifferent to their agenda, they rail against on air.
Just as a, I’m going to change the world, bright-eyed politician wins his first seat, over time, he or she makes it about him or herself, and so do broadcasters.
After all, politicians aren’t there to help you out. They’re there to get re-elected. And broadcasters?
They aren't there to inform you. They are there to get renewed.
But....If you want to hear great journalism and funny stuff...Listen to I'm With Stupid which aired LIVE yesterday and we talked SEXTING!!
Matt’s Facebook Page
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