Sunday, August 31, 2014

When IWS Radio Opens Up, Jay and Matt Are AMAZING

So what went on during yesterday’s IWS radio Show you ask?

Well…let me tell ya before you hit play at the bottom of the page and LISTEN!!

We got off to a fast start as we talked about our uneventful week and celebrated as any good American would, the life and times of Joan Rivers.

We talked about ESPN’s habit of talking about the shower habits of professional athletes.

Slyder Balzcock broke down the first week of the NCAA 2014 football season with class, élan, and mis-mangled words as he boarded his 1,500 mile helicopter trip.

Dixie Ozark had a Peabody Award winning report as to how some lesser knowledge folks in Redneckville, AR. have a hard time accepting kind, loving, yet potentially Ebola stricken victims and prefer them not to visit their town.

Martin and his Meditations brought us all down from hating the haters who hate us.

Joshua got all hot and bothered about football as he reviewed North Dallas Forty.


IWS Radio’s very own catalyst of happiness and AMAZINGNESS Tammy Tibbles was shot and/or beheaded by ISIS and/or ISIL…either way she’s very much dead and we will miss her and/or question the whereabouts of Guy Ahnyurdyck.

In addition to all of that, Jay and Matt virtually bitch slapped all of the internet naysayers and nitpickers with furor, and funny comments.

It was a great show, so give it a listen….

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Joan Rivers is our Person of the Week!

IWS Radio is proud to announce that the soon to be late, great Joan Rivers is our person of the week!

Joan has (mostly) enjoyed a looooooooooong and successful career in comedy. When she broke into the business and for most of her career stand up comedy was definitely a man's world. She didn't let that stop her though. She became one of the most successful comedians of all time!

Sure, she's a bit mean spirited and you might even say she's a hateful, bitter old lady. But, on many levels she has a right to be. She has been treated very badly many times by folks in the comedy and entertainment world.

And while some aren't really fans of hers because they consider Joan to be one of those "can dish it out, but can't take it" types, we do all have to agree that she's got balls. IWS totally respects that about her. As of the posting of this Joan is on life support and things don't look good. Hopefully someone can let her know that she's been named the IWS Person of the Week though. You never know, that might be just the push she needs to get better! Thoughts and prayers from the entire staff at IWS World Media Entertainment Joan Rivers!

Also, be sure to catch Football, Fault Finders and the Ice Bucket Challenge on IWS Radio TODAY at 12 noon ET!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ohio State Patrol Trooper Blintz Falco Loves IWS Radio

Good Saturday and Happy Labor Day Weekend to you all.  This is Ohio State Patrol Trooper Blintz Falco
coming to you in a well-uniformed manner on behalf of IWS Radio.

Labor Day Weekend is a great time to have a cookout, light some state-approved fireworks, and mingle in a non-sexual way with your closest of kin, however..

Labor Day Weekend is not, I repeat not...A time to get carried away in the giddiness of a three-day weekend, and drink and drive.

If you're going to drink...don't drive.  If you're going to drive...don't drink, and better yet?

Schedule your cookout and drinking after 2 PM, so you can maintain some sobriety while listening to the comedic wit and wisdom of Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio Players from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.

IWS Radio has a HUGE Labor Day Weekend Show scheduled.  As the PR Department of IWS reported, it will go something like this:

August may be coming to a close, but football season is just now kicking off.  The dogs days of summer are waning and being tempered by the fun and frozen fundraising of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but of course…

There are plenty of killjoys and nitpickers who have found fault with how some people video their worthy ice water dousing.  So, join Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio Players as they discuss the 2014 NCAA and NFL football seasons, their experiences with the Ice Bucket Challenge, and how not to let the haters get you down.

All of that plus Jerry Lewis, Sarah Silverman, and your phone calls at 661.244.9852 on this week’s IWS Radio Show.

I was told that Bobby Kraft, Dixie Ozark, Martin, Slyder Balzcock, Buddy Acapella, and Tammy Tibbles will be chiming in as well.

I hope you will heed my warning and listen to IWS Radio tomorrow from 1200-1400 hours ET.  It beats going out drinking and driving, is far less costly, and nearly as funny.

Have a Happy Labor Day Weekend, and Let's Be Careful Out There,

Ohio State Trooper Blintz Falco

To catch IWS Radio LIVE tomorrow on Blog Talk Radio, click HERE!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge, Political Cartoons, Jon Hamm and Sarah Silverman's Boobs

Holaaaaaaaaaaa y’all! What’s going on you ask? Well, let me tell ya. Not much. I did do the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS after the uber hot Desert Rat challenged me …

That was fun, I guess. It was actually kind of stupid, but whatever. Jon Hamm thought it was funny …
Some people questioned whether or not I had enough water in my pitcher. It certainly felt like enough water!
Things are settling down in Ferguson, Missouri which means things should be getting back to normal on the campaign trail too as illustrated by my freaking awesome artistic skillzzz….
Also, thanks to our friend and colleague and one of Jayman’s imaginary girlfriends Sarah Silverman for the shout out after she won her an Emmy for her HBO Special “We are Miracles.” Thanks babe!
That’s all I’ve got.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Apologies Are Not a Sign of Weakness; They Are a Sign of Strength

Cheers Bitches and welcome to the no feel world of Tuesday. Matt-Man here with an important announcement that you will not hear very often, if ever again…

Yesterday was National Kiss and Make Up Day, and today is Repentance Day in Papua-New Guinea.

Although I’m a person who believes that to completely make up (with a woman that is) intercourse MUST be involved, and while I’m neither Papuan nor New Guinean, I thought I would honor the spirit of these two observances by apologizing to a few of the many folks that I may have offended over the years.

To Luigi Vizarri, who was developing a new housing edition to Bagwine in the late 70’s…I apologize for freaking you out when I along with a few friends, built a fake bomb and placed it on the doorstep of one of your un-finished homes.  It looked like a time bomb and was filled with peat moss, but seriously?

We didn't need to put the note inside of it that read, “Bang Wop, You’re Dead!!”  Totally uncalled for.

To the window salesman who some eight to ten years ago kept phone pestering me to let him give me an estimate on new windows.  I apologize for finally saying okay, and after you tried to find our house for over an hour, you were informed that we reside in an apartment building.  That is hours of your life you’ll never get back, and I apologize.

I want to hearken back to two weeks before my HS sophomore year when as the North High School Marching Band was practicing, I ran down a hill disguised in a face mask hat and hurled a goose egg at the marching band director, Michael Mattimore.

To you Mr. Mattimore, I apologize.  It was cruel and childish, however…I will never apologize for my aim. Most highly-paid NFL quarterbacks couldn't have made that throw on a full-out downhill run like I did.

Also related to this event, to our implanted and top secret videographer of the goose egg attack Rob Stevens who spilled the beans.  I apologize to you for not having beaten the shit out of you for turning me in.  I got suspended for two weeks you cackle box.

Lastly…I apologize to my best friend and soul mate Schmoop, because well she asked me to do so publicly and profoundly.  She claims that I use her as a mere piece of gratuitous flesh from time to time to promote IWS Radio without consideration of her feelings.

I don’t know what the hell the crazy chick is talking about, but okay.  I apologize to the Schmoopster.

One thing I do not apologize for nor will I ever, is listening to IWS Radio, and perhaps…

Those of you reading this could apologize to IWS Radio by listening to our Season Five opener on Blog Talk Radio.  If you’d like to listen and repent for your to until now failure to laugh out loud…

Click HERE


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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mariah Carey, Abby Huntsman in an IWS Three-Way

Season FIVE of IWS Radio got off to a wacky start. Matt and Jay were kind of all over the place.

Matt-Man talked about HIS intestinal problems this week.

Jayman talked about the Tea Party problems in Redneck County, Arkansas

Jessie Ferg showed up in the chat room and did a new bumper for us with such enthusiasm he caught Matt-Man off guard.

Matt and Jay discussed the OUTRAGE that is the Dominican Republic banning a Miley Cryus concert on morality grounds.

Matt and Jay joined in with the residents of Ferguson, Missouri throwing rocks at MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

Bobby Kraft gave us his ideas for him in Season Five while he also gave a shout out to Mariah Carey.

Paul Piatt read a beautiful poem by THE Ohio State University super fan Frank Blatz.

The Alarmist Weatherman had a strange run in with Dusty Sandman who is a bit confused as to how the whole Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS works.

Matt and Jay discussed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and how some people are clearly cheating by using warm weather. Like Mitt Romney and Abby Huntsman (Editor’s Note: RAWR!)

Don Lemon got pushed around by a raging racist cop and Jay got unfollowed by someone on Twitter who supported the racist cop.

Jay came up with some ideas for Ferguson’s upcoming re-branding efforts.

Singen Burke from Latte of Shallot dropped by.  

Reverend Moneymaker called out both Guy AND Drew Peacock this week as his downward spiral continues.

And sooooooooo much more!!! Definitely check it out! 

                                        Discover Comedy Internet Radio with IWS Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Saturday, August 23, 2014

IWS Person(s) of the Week...Big IWS Radio Fans Are Celebrating Birthdays This Weekend

It's a big day for IWS Radio today.  We are celebrating our fifth season on the air today, an entirely new chapter in the history of the show.

And in honor of IWS Radio beginning a new season on Blog Talk Radio, IWS would like to take the time to honor some celebrities who are beginning a new season in their personal lives.

Here are four hot and talented colleagues and fans of IWS Radio who who are celebrating their birthdays this weekend...

Dave Chappelle...The crazy man from Yellow Springs, Ohio is not only celebrating his 41st birthday today, he is planning his next trip to the moon...

Mike Huckabee...Jayman's less-than favorite Arkansan is celebrating his 59th birthday today with his lovely wife...without alcohol, or any hint of modest cuddle time or sexual activity of course...

Anne Archer...This Fatal Attraction beauty is celebrating her 67th birthday today, and as Matt-Man has always had a thing for her, there is no gratuitous caption involved...

Of course tomorrow, August 25th, the lovely and uber-talented Blake Lively will be entering season 27 of her young and oh so hot life.  We wish her the best, especially after she finds out that Ryan Reynolds is a tailor-made empty suit...

IWS Radio celebrates these four great Americans as our Persons of the Week as they, as does IWS Radio, begin a new season in their lives.  Keep On Truckin' ye great ones...Keep On Truckin'.

And ladies and gents...IWS Radio opens up Season Five today with a bang.  Bobby Kraft, Rev. Moneymaker, Guy Ahnyurdyck, Paul Piatt, Jamie Mapleleaf, and more will be on hand, as Jay and Matt open up Season Five of IWS Radio.

And big news kids...For the first time in a long time Schmoop will be in the hizzy LIVE!!

So join us LIVE TODAY from Noon-2 PM ET on Blogtalk Radio as IWS Radio kicks off Season Five.

To join the fun, CLICK HERE!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Kari Byron Would Never Be Dumped by IWS!

Holaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Kari Byron was OUTRAGEOUSLY dumped by “Myth Busters” but she still wants everyone to listen to IWS Radio this week because that’s what she will be doing! (Probably)

It's the season five premiere bitches! And what a great season it's gonna be! Matt-Man and Jayman have all kinds of ideas for new, innovative and hilarious stuff for the new season. Well, at least they will by the time this episode airs. Maybe the next. Okay, third or fourth show of season five at the very latest.

Some characters might not survive the move into season five. There might be some new ones who sign on. Others might be relegated to a smaller support role. IWS hates to be so vague about this, but we don't want to say anything before surviving family memebers are notified.

The weather is hot and nasty and the situation in Ferguson, MO, ISIL, Iraq and more there's a lot going on in the world right now and none of it looks good. Matt and Jay will do their best to find some good and funny while telling you about THEIR run-ins with the law. All this and YOUR CALLS at 661.244.9852!!

That’s “IWS Will Thrive in Season Five” at 12 Noon ET on Sunday, August 23!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

THE OSU Uber-Fan Frank Blatz Is Befooted By Tragedy

Good Morning IWS Radio listeners, or in this case…readers…or whatever.

THE Ohio State University football uber-fan Frank Blatz here, with my take on the tragedy that has befooted itself upon our world in recent days.

Okay…so over in Iraq, I guess there is the group of hooligans called ISIS or ISIL or whatever…I wish they’d make up their mind as to what to be called…I think I’ll just from now on refer to them as Izzle.  Anyway…

Seems that Izzle is running roughshod over and through innocent Iraqians and has been and continues to blitz some group called the Yassidians who are looking for a little pass protection from the United States and a group of indigent Iraqians called the Curds.

I don’t understand why people have to hate on others.  I mean, maybe I’d know more about this situation and would have a clearer take on what’s going on over there, but the Big 10 Network doesn’t carry a lot of world news.

I do know that an American reporter type guy was beheaded the other day by these Izzle folks.  I saw the video.  It was nearly as disturbing as when Tim Krumrie of the Cincinnati Bengals broke his leg during Super Bowl XXIII, and it was floppin‘ around like a dead fish on national TV.

I actually was more disturbed by the video of the guy getting his head chopped off because he was a true American, and Tim Krumrie?  He played football for the University of Wisconsin.  So c'mon…there ya go.

Oh…And what is it about all this shit going on in Ferguson, Mo.? People looting, shooting, fighting, and what not.  Have people lost their minds?  I know that tragically, an 18 year old black kid got terminally shot by a white cop, but man…Can’t we let the justice system figure this out without burning down the entire community?

You folks in in Missouri need to figure this out pronto because THE Ohio State University football season is but nine days away, and I don’t want any of the games I watch being interrupted by BREAKING NEWS from Ferguson!!  If that happens?  I may come to Ferguson, Mo. and break a few windows myself, you SEC bastards!!

Finally…Here is without a doubt, the penintimate…um…penticular…wait…biggest tragedy of the day.

THE Ohio State quarterback and assuredly 2014 Heisman winner Braxton Miller, re-injured his shoulder and will be out for his entire senior season.  What the Hell!!?  Why does God hate THE Ohio State University? IT’S NOT FAIR!!  IT’S OUR TURN!!  WE ARE THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY!!

How are we to capture the Golden Fleece that is the Big 10 title with a red shirt Freshman named J.T. Barrett at quarterback?

The boy hasn't had taken a college snap and he will be standing behind four new starters on the O-Line. When we go to Michigan State J.T. is going to feel the same way a black dude in Ferguson, Mo. must feel…Like he is looking across the line and eye to eye with a line of angry, grain-fed white guys who want to rip his head off.

Let’s just hope it is quicker and less painful than the decapitation of that reporter type guy who was decapitated by that un-American Michigan State bastard of a basketball coach, Tom Izzle.

For IWS Radio this is Frank Blatz…

Lovin’ the Urban Meyer, and Smellin’ like Woody Hayes…
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Monday, August 18, 2014

Some Questions Have No Answers

Holaaaaaaaaaa all you deep thinkers! You know, sometimes there are questions that just don’t have an answer. Here are a few of them that keep me awake at night ….

What food can NOT be improved by covering it with cheese or chocolate?

Why does God let bad things like Kim Kardashian happen to good people like Kanye West?

What ARE we supposed to turn down for?

Who DID let the dogs out?

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Why is it that when I drop my toast or English muffin it ALWAYS lands butter side down?

Why do so many people post pics of their nasty feet online?

What is at the bottom of the black hole that is Ann Coulter’s soul?

What if this is as good as it gets?

Is there intelligent life out there? How ‘bout semi-intelligent life like say “Scott Baoi Just Below Average” intelligence?

If a train leaves Philly at 4:22 am and travels west-southwest at 49.5 mph and another train leaves Las Cruces, NM at 6:18 am and travels north-northwest at 81.2 kph at what time will I sit in front of flashing red lights screaming COME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!

Who’s a good dog?

Couldn’t the show “Unsolved Mysteries” just have been called “Mysteries?”

Why do I forget every clever or funny thing I think of before I get a chance to write it down?

Can God create a hamburger so big he can’t get it in his mouth?

What the fuck do people actually see in Julia Roberts?

What is it that Meatloaf won’t do for love?

how YOU doin’?

Who put the ram in rama lama ding dong?

Why do I bother?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Taylor Swift and Boy George LOVE IWS Radio!!

Listen up folks…Jay, Matt and the IWS Radio team celebrated their 4th Anniversary yesterday.

And dig it…

Ma Tibbles recounted her time with a Mafioso.

Her adorable daughter Tammy did, what ever it is she does. (Frankly, she may not be with us much longer.)

Bobby Kraft gave us a history lesson about the Battle of Pea Ridge.

Guy Ahnyurdyck claimed to have covered events that transpired in Syria.

Schmoop couldn’t stay on script and Jamie Mapleleaf?

Well Jamie Mapleleaf was as calm, even-handed, and workman-like as any Canadian is.  Jamie was as trustworthy and hot as she always is.

Missalicious, Schmoop, and Profucius showed up with words of wisdom, and let me tell you…while Jamie Mapleleaf’s and Missy’s anniversary messages were sweet…the rest of what was spoken, was infantile.

Just how we like it…Anyhoo…

In between playing calls to the FDA, the Campbell Soup Company, and the Vatican Embassy, Jay and Matt regaled themselves with glorious old stories of season four.

And really?  It was pretty God Damn Funny!!

Because these two morons know how to spin a yarn, tell a tale, and compact one year’s worth of funny into two hours.

So give it a listen…after all…Taylor Swift and Boy George like the IWS website and our show.

That’s a celebrity endorsement…right?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stupid Chuck Todd Takes over Meet the Press and PotW!

IWS proudly announces that our Person of the Week is NBC News’ Chuck Todd! Chuck was just named the new host of “Meet the Press!” He replaces fired gasbag David Gregory and will start immediately at his new job. NBC has long considered Chuck Todd one of their rising stars based on his political knowledge and ability to “interpret the numbers.”

Chuck is mostly know outside of Washington though as a guy with a really bad haircut and a room temperature IQ.

He burst onto the scene as NBC’s White House Correspondent by asking if President Obama might veto his own stimulus bill if no republican voted yes on it.

He also showed off his brilliance when he declared that the Democratic Party WISHED they had the amount of diversity the Republican Party had.

Perhaps his greatest moment ever though was when he asked President Obama at the height of the Great Recession as unemployment was heading for 10% and people were getting kicked out of their homes at an alarming rate why the President hasn’t ask for “something specific that the people should be sacrificing?”

Yeah, he’s a hell of a great guy who Washington insiders love and we have no doubt he will do a great job of making powerful political leaders as comfortable as possible on “Meet the Press.” Good job Chuckster!!! 

Hey, don’t forget to listen to our Season Four Finale on IWSRadio at 12 Noon ET!!! It’s gonna be a HUGE BLOWOUT! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Who Likes IWS Radio? Belinda Carlisle!!

Hi Belinda Carlisle here for IWS Radio.  Tomorrow is my birthday and what better way to spend it than listening to IWS Radio on Blog Talk Radio during their birthday as it were.  What the hell will be going on?

Let's find out...

After four years and 308 episodes of IWS Radio…Jay, Matt, and the IWS gang celebrate their anniversary with a cavalcade of hot babes and cold beer, during a hilarious retrospective involving their favorite episodes, audio clips, and guests.
Drew Peacock, Guy Ahnyurdyck, Bobby Kraft, Slyder Balzcock, The Tibbles Family, Rev. Moneymaker, and even the rude bastard at the Vatican Embassy who hung up on the guys a couple months ago will be on hand to take a raucous look back.
All of that plus Schmoop, Jamie Mapleleaf, and your phone calls as the nation, and indeed the world celebrate four years of IWS Radio’s brand of quality entertainment at a fair price. 
Ha..To catch all of the oddly gray highlighted and font-changed action, listen to IWS Radio tomorrow and be lucky that you did. These two Go-Goers are funny as hell.
Hope to see you LIVE tomorrow from Noon-2 PM ET as IWS Radio celebrates their 4th Anniversary on Blog Talk Radio. To listen LIVE and share the love, click HERE!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Loves and Fears ... Well Just Loves

Holaaaaaaaaaa all you whackos! So does everyone listen “TheMental Illness Happy Hour?” It’s a pretty good podcast hosted by Paul Gilmartin who you might remember from “Dinner and Movie” back in the day on TBS. One of the things Paul likes to do with some of his guests is an exercise called “Fears and Loves” where he and his guest will list some of the things they truly fear and love.

So, I decided I would do that here on the blog today. Well, I’m only going to do the “Loves” side because the “Fears” side means opening up a little too much and to being judged and I’m just not a fan of that. Maybe soon I will be able to bring myself to do it. We’ll see. Some of y’all are pretty fucking judgy though.

Okay, here we go with some loves ….

- College Football: Again, not just college football but something very specific about it. I love games that kick off late Saturday afternoon during the daylight and go on into the evening. As the game gets late because of twilight and the stadium lights it takes on this yellowish-orangeish glow and if it’s later in the year in some areas a little mist or fog even forms. I just find that really cool.

- Pepsi: Specifically the first sip of Pepsi each day. It’s so cold and it burns all the way down and it’s just an incredible experience.  I also like to wait until late afternoon to have my Pepsi so I’m sooooooo ready for it. Another great bonus is Pepsi makes me burp. Damn, it feels so good to let a big burp rip every once in a while.

- That rush I feel right before IWS Radio starts. Just before the show starts the annoying British lady who constantly tells how much time is left until the show starts every minute suddenly comes on and says “your show will begin in five seconds” and I feel this HUGE rush of adrenalin and get all excited and sometimes feel like I need to pee.

- Saying good morning to Jamie Mapleleaf. Every morning, well most mornings, while I’m lying in bed drifting along in that happy place between being awake and asleep I hear my tablet chime letting me know that someone played their turn on Words With Friends. A few seconds later I hear the sound of dice rolling telling me that someone has played their turn on Dice With Buddies. When I hear that I say “Good morning Jamie.” The cool part is that I’m almost always right that it was Jamie.

- Laughing and watching other people laugh. I’m not talking about just a little chuckle or giggle. I’m talking about one of those roaring, full-body, being brought to tears, now my tummy hurts laughs. Laughing so loud that everyone in the room and even outside the room can hear you and are staring at you is one of life’s great pleasures.

- Wine buzz! There really is no better feeling when it comes to alcohol than being comfortably numb from drinking wine. I’m just so relaxed feeling no pain at all.

- A great pair of legs. Nothing is better than a woman with really sexy legs. Unless it’s a woman with a great ass, of course.

- The first piece of thin crust pepperoni pizza from pizza hut. I get extra sauce which makes it a little extra zesty. The pepperonis are a little bit spicy and the cheese is gooey and oozes and it all just comes together so deliciously perfect.

- Trivia: I love learning fun and sometimes useless little facts and trivia games are perfect for that. Trivial Pursuit is my favorite board game by far.

- Politics: This one might be starting to fade since you can’t ever have a really good political discussion anymore.  Most people just spew talking points they picked up for their favorite political blog and get FURIOUS if you dare to disagree with them or challenge their world view even a little bit. Having said that, politics ain’t beanbags, and I love the back and forth and the strategy involved in getting elected and getting bills passed.

Obviously there’s more, but the average person’s (HA! I like to pretend that someone is actually reading this) attention span is contracting faster than the ice caps. So, maybe I’ll continue this on another post some other time.

Monday, August 11, 2014

You've Never Been Touched Until You've Been Groped By a Left-Handed Person

Cheeeeeers and a Happy Tuesday to you all.

First of all, I want to thank those of you who listen to the IWS Radio Show on Sundays from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio or catch it later in the archives.  The last few shows have done really well and we appreciate your taking the time to listen.

Secondly, I’d like to talk about an affliction that curses some 11% percent of our nation’s population.  For those of us, such as yours truly who are cursed with it, it can be truly annoying.

This affliction makes life extremely more difficult…makes the simplest tasks unnerving…and is a condition that up until 30 years or so ago was so sinister, that Catholic nuns through tensile strength of a plastic ruler and the grace of God would try to beat it out of those who suffered from it.

I am of course, talking about the infirmity of being left-handed.

Tomorrow is World Lefthanders Day, and dammit, I want to raise awareness (whatever that means or does) about the trials and tribulations that we left-handed folks such as Demi Moore and myself face and have faced throughout life.

Remember the spiral notebooks we had to use in school back in the day?  The spiral is on the left God Damn side, and would cut an imprint like a bitch into a lefty’s arm during one 100 word or less 4th grade short story writing assignment.  Fuck Mrs. Parrish.  Bitch had it in for me from day one of 4th grade.

Did you have to endure the crying and humiliation of having a hard time learning to tie your shoes because your were a lefty being taught by a person from the right-handed world?  To this day, I remember bawling on the floor prior to Kindergarten starting because I couldn’t get the shoe tying thing RIGHT!!  Oh the Humanity!!

My late brother John?  He went to Catholic schools back in the 50’s and 60’s.  Catholics were still big into Latin back then, and a Latin derivative of sinister or evil, meant being left handed.

When the Sisters of Charity and Happiness saw that he wrote with is left hand, they beat the Hell out of it until his unholy hand was no longer able to pen the words of the Devil.

Ironically, as he then had to write with his right hand, his penmanship looked like claw marks and chicken scratches WRITTEN BY THE DEVIL!!

Why can’t we all just get along?  Can’t you right-handed people accept people like me and Lisa Kudrow for our left-handedness?

Why do there have to be impediments to our lifestyle and congenital disease that leave us sitting alone on the outside of a booth at a restaurant?

Anyhoo…Tomorrow August 13th…Find a left-handed person, go up to him or her and not only say, "I am with you", but give them a peck on the cheek as well, and…make sure to do so by approaching me…or him or her from the right so I …er him or her, can give you a big left-handed grope while you do so.


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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Self-Censoring, Standing with Israel, Tony Stewart and More!

Another epic show from IWS Radio this week y’all! It was all about self-censoring and over sharing and how hard it is to know when to self-censor and when not too. Here’s a little recap of some of the stuff we talked about…

Jay got sucker-punch-flipped-off in traffic.

Matt got asked out by a nice older lady at the Beer Mine (conveniently located at the corner of Burnett and Elmore Rds in Bagwine, OH)

Bobby Kraft shared some tweets from people who maybe SHOULD do a little self-censoring.

We engaged in about five minutes or so of rather tasteless Tony Stewart humor.

Got an audio response from a BTR customer service representative.

KleeShay Johnson talked about lessons learned during his suspension.

A brief discussion about how hard it is to honestly and fairly discuss the Israel v Hamas situation even though we most definitely Stand With Israel.

Mr Vague showed up out of nowhere and laid down some deep thoughts about stuff.

A trip down memory lane enjoying some of the self-censoring failures of the past by people like Mark Halprin, Don Imus, Stephen A Smith and a few others.

Discussed why we feel like we have to self-censor on Facebook, but not so much on Twitter.

And so much more! IKNOWRITE? What a fucking show! 

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Saturday, August 9, 2014

IWS Person of the Week: Nicolle Wallace

Big news happened in the world of daytime TV late this week as it was announced that "Dr." Jenny McCarthy was cast asunder from her position on ABC's, The View.

Who will will replace the blonde bombshell of anti-vaccination speak?  None other than Nicolle Wallace!!

What?  Are we hearing crickets from the vast and diverse IWS worldwide audience?  Well we shouldn't be, because with the addition of Wallace, The View not only added cuteness, it added a B.A. from Cal-Berkeley, and a M.A. from Northwestern University.

Next to Whoopi Annoyingberg is the aforementioned Nicole Wallace...

Nicolle has spent many years in and around politics; she was even charged with the arduous task of making George W. Bush sound coherent in her stint as his White House Communications Director...

The lovely Ms. Wallace was also a big wig along with Steve Schmidt during John McCain's failed 2008 Presidential bid...

Matt-Man is a HUGE fan of Nicolle's as she is a frequent guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe show, and Matt was once quoted as saying, "Sarah Palin can't stand Nicolle Wallace and that makes Nicolle more than okay in my book..."

Nicolle Wallace isn't HOT, but man...Her sense of humor, common sense, abundant cuteness, and smarts, make her damn sexy...

Congrats to the Nicolle Wallace...our IWS Person of the Week and newest member of The View.  You go girl!!

And in news that is even bigger than Nicolle Wallace replacing Jenny McCarthy on The View...Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team take to the airwaves today LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.

They will be discussing when, why, or whether people should self-censor themselves on social media outlets. Do some folks say too much, others not enough, and really do we want to hear about the massive dump some guy just took?

All of that plus your calls LIVE today from Noon-2 PM ET on the IWS Radio Show's Social Media, Self-Censorship, and YOU show.  To catch us LIVE today...

Click HERE.

Friday, August 8, 2014

R.I.P. Matt Said, Jay Said

Jay: Yo Matt! 
Matt: Yes?
Jay: Where the hell is Matt Said, Jay Said?
Matt: Let’s do away with it.
Jay: MSJS is a blogging institution though!
Matt: Nothing lasts forever man.
Jay: Very true.
Matt: We need to shake things up.
Jay: You know, this would be a good time to…
Matt: No it wouldn’t.
Jay: You don’t even know what I was going to say
Matt: You were going to say it’s time to do away with the blog.
Jay: Nooooooooooooooooo
Matt: Oh really? What WERE you going to say?
Jay: We should do away with the blog.
Matt: I KNEW IT!
Jay: Damn.

Matt: Instead of doing away with it we can blog less.
Jay: Well, as it is we only REALLY blog twice a week each.
Matt: We can go to ONCE!
Jay: Brilliant!
Matt: IKR?
Jay: What replaces MSJS?
Matt: A show promo.
Jay: That’s what MSJS is though.
Matt: No, just a straight forward show promo. No frills.
Jay: Oh, just play it straight with folks?
Matt: Exactly!
Jay: What else?
Matt: Keep the PotW on Sundays and show review on Monday.
Jay: Not much effort there.
Matt: Then REAL blog post on Tuesday and Thursday.
Jay: I think we can handle that.
Matt: I would hope so.

Jay: Hell, we can just copy and paste the show promo from the BTR page!
Matt: Brilliant!
Jay: Damn, this is looking good.
Matt: Just tack a pic of a hot babe on there for those cheap hits and you’re done!
Jay: Make it like a celebrity endorsement for the show!
Matt: Oh yeah! Kate Upton says “Listen to IWS Radio!”
Jay: Then put it in the title for even MORE cheap hits!
Matt: OMG!
Jay: What?
Matt: Our marketing brilliance takes my breath away sometimes.
Jay: We ARE shockingly brilliant sometimes.
Matt: Totally by accident too.
Jay: That’s what makes it so great.
Matt: And nobody ever expects it either!
Jay: They underestimate us!
Matt: It’s our secret weapon.
Jay: Let’s keep it that way, okay?
Matt: Oh we are! Don’t worry.
Jay: We don’t even have to try!
Matt: Thank God!
Jay: So this is our final MSJS
Matt: Yeah, kinda sad.
Jay: Maybe one of us can do a special MSJS sometime.
Matt: Sure! It doesn’t have to die completely.
Jay: Right! Okay, we’re talking self-censoring and shit, right?
Matt: Well ….

Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets are a great place to express one’s ideas and thoughts, however…Do people go too far sometimes?  Do they over share?  Are people sometimes a bit too open about their private lives or disdain for others over the tubes of the internets?  Should some people, maybe even you, exercise some self-censorship prior to throwing your thoughts out there for the world to see?

So many questions about self-censorship to answer but Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team will tackle and answer them all as they delve into the topic of whether, when, and why we may or may not put a ball gag on our mouths and/or typing fingers.  Will hilarity ensue, or will it be censored as they yuk it up while taking your calls?

Jay: That’s on “Social Media, Self-Censorship and YOU” on IWS Radio Sunday at Noon ET!