Saturday, August 9, 2014

IWS Person of the Week: Nicolle Wallace

Big news happened in the world of daytime TV late this week as it was announced that "Dr." Jenny McCarthy was cast asunder from her position on ABC's, The View.

Who will will replace the blonde bombshell of anti-vaccination speak?  None other than Nicolle Wallace!!

What?  Are we hearing crickets from the vast and diverse IWS worldwide audience?  Well we shouldn't be, because with the addition of Wallace, The View not only added cuteness, it added a B.A. from Cal-Berkeley, and a M.A. from Northwestern University.

Next to Whoopi Annoyingberg is the aforementioned Nicole Wallace...

Nicolle has spent many years in and around politics; she was even charged with the arduous task of making George W. Bush sound coherent in her stint as his White House Communications Director...

The lovely Ms. Wallace was also a big wig along with Steve Schmidt during John McCain's failed 2008 Presidential bid...

Matt-Man is a HUGE fan of Nicolle's as she is a frequent guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe show, and Matt was once quoted as saying, "Sarah Palin can't stand Nicolle Wallace and that makes Nicolle more than okay in my book..."

Nicolle Wallace isn't HOT, but man...Her sense of humor, common sense, abundant cuteness, and smarts, make her damn sexy...

Congrats to the Nicolle Wallace...our IWS Person of the Week and newest member of The View.  You go girl!!

And in news that is even bigger than Nicolle Wallace replacing Jenny McCarthy on The View...Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team take to the airwaves today LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.

They will be discussing when, why, or whether people should self-censor themselves on social media outlets. Do some folks say too much, others not enough, and really do we want to hear about the massive dump some guy just took?

All of that plus your calls LIVE today from Noon-2 PM ET on the IWS Radio Show's Social Media, Self-Censorship, and YOU show.  To catch us LIVE today...

Click HERE.

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