Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ebola Hemorrhagic Virus: IWS Person of the Week!

We're doing something a little different for Person of the Week this week. Since nobody has really done anything this week, we're going to name the Ebola Hemorrhagic Virus our "Person" of the Week.

As you probably know Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol are the first Americans infected with the virus to be brought back to the US for treatment. "Patient Zero and Patient One" if this was a movie. They were brought back in this fancy plane.

And they got to use this sweet isolation tent.

They will be staying in VERY private rooms and won't have to worry about constant visitors.

So welcome to Georgia Kent and Nancy!  Best of luck to you and get better fast!

And congrats to the Ebola Hemorrhagic Virus for being named the IWS "Person" of the Week!

Be sure to tune into a very special "Good, Decent, Wholesome Family Fun Show" on IWS Radio today at 12 Noon ET!! This will be the most family friendly show we've ever done. Probably. Kinda.

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