Saturday, August 30, 2014

Joan Rivers is our Person of the Week!

IWS Radio is proud to announce that the soon to be late, great Joan Rivers is our person of the week!

Joan has (mostly) enjoyed a looooooooooong and successful career in comedy. When she broke into the business and for most of her career stand up comedy was definitely a man's world. She didn't let that stop her though. She became one of the most successful comedians of all time!

Sure, she's a bit mean spirited and you might even say she's a hateful, bitter old lady. But, on many levels she has a right to be. She has been treated very badly many times by folks in the comedy and entertainment world.

And while some aren't really fans of hers because they consider Joan to be one of those "can dish it out, but can't take it" types, we do all have to agree that she's got balls. IWS totally respects that about her. As of the posting of this Joan is on life support and things don't look good. Hopefully someone can let her know that she's been named the IWS Person of the Week though. You never know, that might be just the push she needs to get better! Thoughts and prayers from the entire staff at IWS World Media Entertainment Joan Rivers!

Also, be sure to catch Football, Fault Finders and the Ice Bucket Challenge on IWS Radio TODAY at 12 noon ET!!

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