Friday, August 1, 2014

MSJS: Wholesome Is The New Smut

Matt confesses.  Jay repents.  You…are skeptical of their new found wholesomeness.

Matt:  Hola.
Matt:  Hola?
Jay:  Helloooooooo?  Anyone there?
Matt:  What up dawg?

Jay:  M’eh nothing much and you?
Matt:  Let me tell you…I have already done the dishes, shit, showered, and dressed for the day!!

Jay:  I’ll alert the media.
Matt:  Thank you.

Jay:  Last Sunday’s fucking, sucking, and ass ramming smut show was kind of uncomfortable.
Matt:  I know.  I still feel dirty about it.
Jay:  We need to cleanse our minds, bodies, and souls this week.

Matt:  You mean do some type of confession and repentance show?
Jay:  Well sorta…We should do a good, wholesome, family fun type of show.
Matt:  I’m always up for some wholesome family fun especially if a hot sister is involved.
Jay:  No…No…We have to move past that smut and talk about good things…pure things.
Matt:  Alright.

Jay:  We could do a few mea culpas for being sinners at times.  Kinda like going to confession.
Matt:  As you know, I was raised Catholic, so confession brings back some fond memories.
Jay:  Fond memories, or memories of being fondled?
Matt:  See?  See?  We can’t go there this week.
Jay:  Damn.  You’re right.  My bad.
Matt:  We could talk about religion and how it helps us out and/or makes us laugh.

Jay:  Hell…We could rank religions by their wholesomeness.
Matt:  Brilliant!!

Jay:  We could read some of the wholesome goings on in our town from our local newspapers.
Matt:  That’s always a good, Andy, Barney, Mayberry kind of wholesome time right there.
Jay:  IKR?  Maybe Schmoop could show up with some fried chicken from the deli.

Matt:  I dunno, but she did have a couple of incidences where IWS Radio took over her life.
Jay:  Oh my…I hope she is alright.
Matt:  She survived, and we’ll discuss.

Jay:  I think perhaps Rev. Moneymaker should add his liturgical voice to this show.
Matt:  By all means, as will Slyder Balzcock.  That man is the epitome of wholesome.

Jay:  He is, and I’ll get Drew Peacock to show his wholesome side this week also.
Matt:  Drew Peacock?  Does he have a wholesome side?
Jay:  I guess we’ll find out Sunday.

Matt:  Wow this is turning into quite the wholesome extravaganza!!
Jay:  And dig it…Triple Jaxxx will have a song for us yet again.
Matt:  Be still my heart…When I think of Jaxxx, I think wholesomeness.

Jay:  I think we’re ready…This going to be a kick ass…er, loving pat on the butt wholesome show.
Matt:  I am with ya my wholesome friend.
Jay:  Let’s do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

To join Jay, Matt, and the hilarity with the rest of the IWS Radio Team as they broadcast their, Good Wholesome Decent Family Fun Show episode LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET tomorrow on Blog Talk Radio…click HERE!!

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