I have recently had a run of days shrouded in grumpiness and negativity, but this week…I’m going to be all positive, all the time.. That’s Right!!
So I shall begin my week of writing on IWS with something positive, and let me tell you…It is sometimes hard for me to write positive stories, so I thought I’d begin with a topic that nearly almost usually makes me happy.
My best friend…my BFF…my PSG…The one and only, Schmoop!!
Schmoopalicious, as Jayman coined her years ago, is currently wading through murky pools of uncertainty and self-loathing because she was laid-off a few months back and has yet to secure a job.
She’s down on herself and feels she contributes nothing to society nor to the typically happy home in which we reside. But you know what? Schmoop contributes much more than she thinks she does.
For instance…When she got laid-off, I weighed around 185 pounds. And now? I am pushing 200 pounds because instead of me typically eating a can of soup for lunch before work, Schmoop makes a ginormous lunch for me. Oh yeah!!
Chicken nuggets, onion rings, burgers, omelets, grilled cheese (mmmmmmm grilled cheese)…I bet Schmoop has been sending me off to work everyday for the past 26 weeks with 800 calories in my stomach.
The chick makes a great lunch, and she is always happy to do it, because…well…we are best friends.
She also does my laundry, because…well…we are best friends.
And dig it folks, yesterday morning, we both woke up around the same time. I was late getting to my computer stuff that I do every morning as far as posting the IWS website post to Facebook, checking our numbers, my email, and whatever, because for the first sixty minutes of Monday morning?
We just hung out and made fun of FOX News and MSNBC, harangued about how many commercials air, and listened to some of Sunday’s IWS Radio audio files. We unknowingly spent an hour cutting up and sarcastically yet lovingly, making fun of our cat Corky.
It…was…nice, because...It demonstrated our Best Friend....Ness.
In the moment as it is, Schmoop has some self-doubt, but she should never doubt herself about this…
I do have one regret about Schmoop, and no it’s not her lack of a job, her hatred of Tammy Tibbles, or even her inability to not worry over silly shit.
My only regret involving Schmoop is that I didn't meet her 20 years earlier.
Schmoop? Even in your current “transitional” condition, you contribute something to society everyday. You make me smile. There is a cat who adores you, and in spite of your failed attempts to show no emotion, you make the world a better place.
Good luck on your job interview today, but if you don’t get it, and your unemployment benefits are extended…from now on when you make my lunch, could you work some salads into my menu?
Love You Schmoop!!
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