Friday, June 13, 2014

The World Cup of MSJS ...

Matt snarks, Jay quips, You yawn. 

Matt: Cheers!
Jay: Hola!
Matt: How the hell are ya?
Jay: Wonderful.
Matt: That’s good to hear.
Jay: Are we doing this or do you want to point out how awful I am too?
Matt: Hey-OOOOO! Good one.
Jay: I’m sensing some sarcasm there.
Matt: Oh nooooooo … Totally sincere Hey-O there.
Jay: I don’t know man.
Matt: Well you’ll have to take my word for it.
Jay: Okay then. I guess I will.
Matt: Good.
Jay: Anyway, do you feel better now that you got that out of your system?
Matt: I feel fucking fantastic!
Jay: Well alrighty then.
Matt: Are you over whatever the hell crawled up your ass?
Jay: Oh sure.
Matt: Okay then.

Jay: Watching the World Cup?
Matt: Yeah man, I’m hanging on every bicycle kick and header.
Jay: Damn.
Matt: What?
Jay: I’m sensing sarcasm again.
Matt: Maybe your Sarcasm Radar is jammed.
Jay: I guess the NSA is jamming it.
Matt: Maybe, or … Didn’t you follow the CIA on Twitter?
Jay: Yeah, but I unfollowed them cause they tweet way too much.
Matt: Oh, well it’s probably the NSA then.
Jay: Actually, I think it’s the Mossad.
Matt: I guess you found out how many restraining orders from Jewish babes it takes to get their attention.
Jay: More than you would expect.
Matt: And yet, not as many as it should be.

Jay: Hey! Father’s Day is Sunday!
Matt: Gonna be a looooooooong day.
Jay: Rivers of tears will be shed.
Matt: And that’s just from you, Schmoop and me!
Matt: This week’s show might be more of a therapy session.
Jay: We probably need one.
Matt: No I’m fine. I was talking about you.
Jay: HA! Oh that was a good one!
Matt: Now MY Sarcasm Radar is going off.
Jay: Probably just a U-2 Spy Plane flying over.
Matt: Or one of the UN’s black helicopters!
Jay: Oh damn. It could be a drone! Obama might be monitoring you himself.
Matt: That’s a bit far-fetched.
Jay: True. Anyway, Father’s Day.
Matt: A special show for a special day.
Jay: Bobby Kraft interviewing Ben Franklin!
Matt: Totally improved interview.
Jay: Live on digital recording.
Matt: And … other stuff.
Jay: Yeah, we’ll figure it out.
Matt: Okay, sounds good.
Jay: Let’s do this!

Be sure to tune into “Dad, Sweat and Tears” on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET! If you don’t then you hate daddies and American!

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