Sunday, June 1, 2014

We'll Charm Your Pants Right Off!

In our illustrious three plus year history of IWS Radio we have had more charming and entertaining shows than this week’s Homespun fun at Hodgepodge Lodge. Wait, no we haven’t! This was about as fun as it gets folks! Just hanging out and relaxing near our new lodge in the wilds of Northern Minnesota!

Matt and Jay were live without a net, but we didn’t need one. We just brought our natural charm and youthful exuberance and put it all on display for the folks. Mostly we talked about our new retreat and all the fun stuff there is to do there including the IWS party barge out on Kitchi Lake!

Then our good friend Aunt Jackie took the stage at the Hodgepodge Lodge Dean Martin Memorial Lounge and Karaoke Center and ROCKED THE HOUSE! We did take a moment to finally pay actual respect to our friend and fellow writer Dr. Maya Angelou by having her great half nephew Jermaine Angelou say a few words. We even more or less decided that we’re good with her using the “Dr.” title even though her doctorate is honorary. Why not! We were in a good mood after a round of golf on the Hodgepodge Lodge Payne Stewart Memorial Golf Course!

Then we welcomed Bobby Kraft who had a few choice words about all these damn Country Music awards shows. He’s not a fan y’all! That was followed up by a disturbing report from Guy and Mr. Vague live from the Australian Outback. That upset us, but we decided to go swimming at the Hodgepodge Lodge Esther Williams Memorial Swimming Area at Kitchi Lake with our friend Jessica Alba!

Then the lovely and talented Jamie Mapleleaf called in to charm our pants right off of us. Kirk Douglas did the weather, Phil Diller brought the laughs and we just talked about everything under the sun! You should totally check this show out! You can use the player below or use the direct mp3 link and player on our PodBay site and avoid BTR's crappy website, ads and other crap! 

Oh look! There's no player here. Well, I guess you'll just have to use the PodBay link since BTR can't be bothered to actually work right most of the time. What a great fucking value they are! Anyway, please do listen using the link because it was a pretty cool show. Thanks!

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