Saturday, June 7, 2014

Taylor Swift and Her BFFs are Person of the Week!

Everyone has a BFF. Some people have a few BFFs. But, only Taylor Swift has had lots and lots of different BFFs in a short period of time. Hell, she goes through BFFs almost as often as she goes through boyfriends. So in honor of today being Best Friends Day, IWS is proud to award Taylor Swift with the coveted "Person of the Week!"

Taylor and Selena Gomez (Whoa! Where's that hand going Selena??)

Taylor and Lily Aldridge (Everyone needs to be BFFs with a Victoria's Secret model!)

Taylor and Emma Stone (Meh)

Taylor and Lorde (Most insufferable BFFs since Gwyneth Paltrow and her BFF Gwyneth Paltrow)

Honestly y'all, the list goes on and on but why bother. We all know who is REALLY Taylor Swifts BFFs...

Hey! Something just occurred to me. What if Taylor isn't just BFFs with all these hotties. What it's something ...... MORE?!? Hmmmmmmmmmm ... (Editor's Note: Jiggity!)

Anyway, be sure to join possible lesbian hottie Taylor Swift and and listen to "Name Your Poison and Make Some Changes" on IWS Radio at 12 Noon ET!

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