Saturday, June 14, 2014

IWS Person of the Week...Great Fathers Throughout History

Today of course is Father's Day, a day to celebrate the patriarchal love that dads all across this country have for their children.  Today, IWS Radio honors some of the greatest dads throughout history as our Persons of the Week...

It is said that while Rome burned Emperor Nero played the fiddle, well...centuries prior to that while the town of Sodom burned, Lot and his daughters had a wine filled toga party in a cave and generated some heat, not to mention babies of their own.  Lot had a whole Lot-ta love for his daughters...

Der Bingle...The Bingster...Here's crooner and swooner Bing Crosby with his wife and three boys Lindsay, Dennis, and Gary.  Bing was a tough love kind of dad.  Sometimes that tough but loving paternal hand leads to the building of character in children, sometimes it leads to a future factor in one's suicide...

Marvin Gay(e), Sr....Sometimes a parent can love too much.  Such was the case with Rev. Marvin Gay as on April 1, 1984 he shot his son Marvin Gaye to death. Fortunately for Daddy Gaye, he received no prison time, for he would have been faced with more sexual healing than a man of his crime and last name could endure...

Woody Allen...the man, the myth, uber-talented living legend, is a man whose love knows no bounds nor socially acceptable mores.  So, Woody is living with Mia Farrow.  Mia has an adopted daughter named Soon-Yi.  Mia and Woody hit the skids, so to make up for he guilt over a broken relationship, Woody 56, marries Soon-Yi who is 21 in order to bring some continuity to the break-up transition.  Lesser men would have simply walked away leaving all to wallow in a puddle of tears and heartache...  

Hillsboro, Ohio's very own Ed Blintz knows that it is never to early to teach one's daughter culinary skills, and as a dutiful and loving father, he puts little Tessa's feet to the fire early and often... 

Here's to these great fathers and all of the wonderful dads out there.  May your Father's Day be full of beer, brats on the grill, and ice cold beer!!

Annnnnnnd all you dads and everyone out there...Be sure to catch IWS Radio LIVE today from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.

Jay, Matt, Ben Franklin, Bobby Kraft, Rev. Moneymaker, Ma Tibbles, Slyder Balzcock, Schmoop, Miss Mapleleaf, and the smokin' hot Aunt Jax will be celebrating Father's Day with our Dads, Sweat, and Tears episode of IWS Radio.

You can join us LIVE today by clicking HERE

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