Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Last Words of Famous People

Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Every once in a while I run across an article about famous last words of famous people and I click the link every single time. I find stuff like that fascinating and just love it. I don’t really do much to find out if it’s true or not cause that would ruin the fun. Some of my favorites are…

Humphrey Bogart: I never should have switched from Scotch to martinis.

Dylan Thomas: I’ve had 18 straight whiskies. I think that’s the record!

Groucho Marx: Die, my dear? Why, that’s the last thing I’ll do!

Oscar Wilde: This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do.

Those are just some of the better known last words. I had my staff here at IWS World Media Entertainment do some digging and we came up some of the lesser known last words of famous people…

Lincoln: Hey, did anyone lock the door to the booth?

Dillinger: Ow! … Ow! … Ow! … Ow!

Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter): CRIKEY!

David Carradine: Harder baby! Harder!

Julius Caesar: Hey now! Ow! Stop! That hurts! Shit! What the fuck! Ow! Seriously! That hurts guys! Not there! Ow! Ow! Damn! Ow! Ow! Et tu, Brute?

Isadora Duncan: What a lovely day for a drive! And my scarf looks so good on me flying in the bree…

Tim Russert: My moron son Luke will get a cushy media job over my dead body!

Rasputin: *After being poisoned, shot several times and beaten with a club and then finally tossed off a bridge into the icy Malaya Nevka River* “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!”

William McKinley: What the hell kind of name is Czolgosz? 

Robert F. Kennedy: Ow

Grace Kelley: Time to play Grand Prix of Monaco!

Vince Foster: Hillary? What are you doing here?

Jimmy Bob Pemberton (Local Celebrity): Hold my beer and watch this.

Doesn’t get any more fascinating than that, does it kids? Damn, history is fun!

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