Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ponies, Piñatas and Playas!

It was a non-stop party on IWS Radio this week kids! We celebrated anything and everything on “Ponies, Piñatas and Playas” (Matt and Jay are the playas of course).

We opened up with a nice crowd in the chat room and suddenly disappeared and reappeared on us. Apparently there was a very rare glitch in the BTR system. Pretty shocking that something like that would happen, but it did.

Jay talked about one of his Mormon neighbors who has a strange streak of individualism that he assumes will worry the Church Elders.

Matt talked about a strange couple who live near the Beer Mine (conveniently located at the corner of Burnett and Elmore Roads in Bagwine, Ohio) who apparently don’t have a refrigerator. How weird is that?

Of course we thoroughly analyzed the Kentucky Derby and why California Chrome won and Danza didn’t. Then we made fun of Tony Danza and his legendary intellect or lack thereof for a while. Plus we pledged our undying love of Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir.  

The rest of the show was all about fun and frivolity. Matt celebrated an early Cinco de Mayo by cracking open a Modelo for the first time in his life. He decided that he liked it! Then Buddy Acapella kicked off the festivities with a special Cinco de Mayo song.

Jay lamented the problems he’s having with Netflix and some of the apps on his tablet which continue through today. This might become a real problem for him so let’s all pray that this gets worked out quickly and without incident.

We heard some words of inspiration from Ma Tibbles.

We talked about the White House Correspondents Dinner and how funny Obama was, how lame Joel McHale was and how butt hurt conservatives always are. Jay reminded everyone that as the Jaymom has always said “The hit dog always howls” and there were some racist conservatives howling after Obama’s “orange is the new black” joke. Also, Dusty Sandman was on hand in DC to tell us what all was going on with the Correspondents Dinner and then took a quick run over Redneckville and Bagwine Cinco de Mayo celebrations.

We listened to some unique yet entertaining mariachi music from a band discovered by Guy Ahnurdyck who was reporting LIVE(ish) from Tijuana, Mexico! He definitely sounded like he was having a great time!

Joshua produced a very special ad for his friend Clay Aiken who is running for Congress in North Carolina.

And so, SO much more! Totally check this show out y’all!

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