Friday, May 30, 2014

Clothing Optional Fun and Games with Matt and Jay

Matt chits, Jay chats, You listen skeptically.

Jay: Yo
Matt: Well hiya!
Jay: Hey guess what?
Matt: What??
Jay: I just checked the Comedy rankings and …
Matt: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand?
Jay: We’re numberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Matt: I can’t take it! Tell me!
Matt: What the fuck?
Jay: I know right?
Matt: We’re behind that same guy?
Jay: Yup. He must have a HUGE audience.
Matt: I guess so.
Jay: Unless he’s gaming the system or something.
Matt: Impossible!
Jay: Can you jack your numbers up with HGH?
Matt: If you can we already would have. I mean would have HEARD HOW.
Jay: Exactly, but being number two is … I don’t know.
Matt: It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Jay: Like a hooker who just blew a guy who ate pineapples
Matt: Hahahahahaha … wut?

Jay: Remember when people were happy to slander Maya Angelou
Matt: Right up to the moment she died and suddenly she has no detractors.
Jay: What’s up with that!
Matt: I don’t know, but I’m not gonna put up with much longer.
Jay: It’s all pretty unseemly.
Matt: People are such frauds and Maya was a hack!
Jay: Most of the tributes posted on FB were by people who never read her works.
Matt: Totally. It was just “look at me! I’m a huge fan and so cultured!”
Jay: Worst of all it overshadowed the new Ariana Grande/Iggy Azalea song release.
Matt: Another outrage! Who are they?

Jay: We will have to get into this Maya Angelou thing Sunday.
Matt: Among other things!
Jay: It’s been a pretty busy week.
Matt: We can’t really focus on one thing.
Jay: There’s more on Donald Sterling.
Matt: And the Eliot Rodger shootings.
Jay: And his manifesto.
Matt: And this Jenny Johnson chick.
Jay: Is she a racist or just doing comedy?
Matt: A complicated subject.
Jay: One that only trained professionals should discuss.
Matt: Oh shit. There’s also this #YesAllWomen thing.
Jay: Hashtag activism at its most confusing.
Matt: We’ll have to analyze that thoroughly.
Jay: As only we can!
Matt: Aaaaaaaaaaaand it’s time Jay.
Jay: Everything is ready? Renovations are complete?
Matt: Definitely. Let’s tell everyone about our new retreat.
Jay: The Hodgepodge Lodge.
Matt: It’s an immaculate and soothing escape for the IWS family.
Jay: So much to do there!
Matt: Everyone is going to love.
Jay: There’s tons more to talk about too.
Matt: And lots of stories to tell.
Jay: I think we’re ready!
Matt: Hell yeah!

So, be sure to tune into “Homespun Fun at Hodgepodge Lodge” on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET!! 

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