Thursday, May 1, 2014

Liver and Onions...How To Cook Them Well

Hi...Matt-Man here to tell you all how to make the most delicious dinner in the world...

And what you ask, does that consist of?


Yep...there are a lot of you liver haters out there, and well, I say to myself...

You hate the government; you hate Donald Sterling; you hate yourself for not hating things in this world that you should, so...


Actually...Liver is pretty damn tasty if you make it right.

First of all...Get some beef liver or better yet, veal liver, and soak it in milk overnight...

Next...Fry up some onion and mushrooms...

And then...

Let er' rip by throwing the organ meat of the sacred cow into a searing hot pan with the 'shrooms and onions...Make it scream for redemption from the Gandhi family...

Bake or deep fry some onion rings, and when it's all over?  It looks like this...

I'm not feelin' the love, because as I know most of you "normal" people do not like liver, however...I do, and there are a handful of us liver lover out there, so don't judge.

And to you liver lovers out there, I ask...I have more than enough for two, so c'mon...stop on by, and sample my liver.  You'll be glad that you did.



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