Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kim and Kanye are our Person(s) of the Week!

Everyone here at IWS World Media Entertainment wants to extend our congratulations to Kanye West and Kim Kardashian who our sources tell us actually got married yesterday! Late Saturday our roving reporter at large Guy Ahnurdyck and Hollywood Reporter Joshuaaaaaaaaaaaaaa were able to independently confirm that America’s Sweethearts DID exchange nuptials in Italy!

Kim and Kanye have a special kind of love…

We know they will set an example for the rest of us for how to make a marriage work …

So, once again, congrats to Kim and Kanye on your marriage and just remember we are so incredibly proud of you!

Speaking of greatness, be sure to tune into “Grillin’ andChillin’ with Controversial Ingredients” on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET as we celebrate those men and women of the armed forces who gave their lives for America and give advice on cooking out and partying! See ya there!

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