Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers, Mothers, Everywhere

If you love your mother, you will love the replay of yesterday’s IWS Radio’s Mother’s Day Show…

Jay, Matt, Joshua, Slyder, and Drew Peacock among others, celebrated each and every of your mother’s special day whether you knew it or not.

And actually, to find out whether we actually said something bad about your mama, you’ll have to listen.

Hell, Drew Peacock and Estelle Constanza chimed in …it was, in a word, AWESOME!!

Tammy Tibble showered praises down upon her mother, and whole-heartedly referred to Ma Tibbles as AMAZING!!

It was an amazing two hours, and if you would like to listen to it, and we hope you do, you can click right below.

This is the Matt-Man , the last of nine children, begging for your good deed, and begging for some hot chick to be my Mommy.

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