Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy Birthday To Schmoop !!

“A friend is one before whom I may think aloud.”
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Cheeeeeeeeers and a Happy Thursday to you all.

Today is a special day and should truly be a National Holiday.  Forty-Eight years ago today, unto the world, my best friend whom I would not meet until thirty-four years later, was born.

I shit…you…not.  She came into this world lacking the charm, sense of humor, and good nature of the Pillsbury Doughboy, and yet…looked quite similar to him in her early years…

I am talking of course, about my best friend, and IWS Radio’s very own bit player…Schmoop!!

That’s right folks.  Schmoop is celebrating her 48th Birthday today, and even though she is 48, she still knows how to handle a man’s tube like she did some thirty years ago or so…

Schmoop has helped IWS Radio with her sexy voice by being everyone from herself, to Paula Deen, to Kim Fragile, and the AMAZING Tammy Tibbles.  And we appreciate that, and even more so?

We really appreciate her letting us use her ass in pictures…

Schmoop took me in nearly fourteen years ago when I was in a bad way and needed a place to stay. Much to her chagrin, we had a few beers while commiserating about lives turned ugly, she fed me, and then?

Nearly fourteen years later, I am still here.  I’m pretty sure she’s happy about that…probably sure…somewhat.  well?  Her picture says it all...


As far as her and I living together?

Schmoop is a trouper, or in her case, a Schmooper who ignores all of my faults when not actively pointing them out in a hurtful, yet sarcastically funny way…and as far as the show goes?

While she would rather be buried six feet under the cold ground than record something, Schmoop hits her mark and helps us out whenever called upon.

I love my Schmoop and I would go as far to call her my soul mate, unfortunately, she doesn’t have one.

However my friends, our love and mutual respect can be illustrated by a conversation that we recently had…

Me:  Oh sweet!!  Steak Fries with my burgers.
Schmoop:  You’re welcome.
Me:  Honey?  You complete me.
Schmoop:  Yeah, whatever….You want ketchup on those?

In all seriousness, Schmoop IS my best friend ever, and without her I have no clue as to where I would be today, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn't be a good place.  But instead?

I am in a place that while not extravagant, not overflowing with wealth, and not a vacation destination for the rich, I am with my best friend Schmoop.  And as far as I am concerned?

That is an extravagant, wealthy, and awesome destination to be.

I love you Schmoop, and Happy Birthday!!


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