Saturday, March 22, 2014

IWS Person of the Week: The University of Dayton Men's Basketball Team

This week has been full of Vladimir Putin acting like the short, yet squeaky wheel that he is.

As usual, Sean Hannity has been suffering from menstrual cramps and blaming his pain on President Obama, and…

The mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 remains unsolved.

Putin, Hannity, and/or Capt. Zahari Ahmad Shah could have been the IWS Person of the Week this week, but persons much bigger and more likable, captured the imagination of us all and are more than worthy of the title…

IWS Persons of the Week, and those folks are…

The University of Dayton Men’s Basketball Team!!

On Thursday of this week, THE UD Flyers kicked off March Madness by defeating and humiliating an Ohio State University basketball program, sending the Buckeyes back to Cowtown…

And?  The Dayton Daily News reported this event as only it could be reported…

Last night during the NCAA Round of 32 the lowly boys from Dayton, Ohio were expected to cower before yet another Goliath of NCAA Basketball.

The Big.  The Bad.  The former titans of the Big East and now of the ACC...The Orangemen of Syracuse.


The Flyers did not cower.  They did not hide.  They did not make a free-throw to save their lives, and yet?

They defeated Syracuse and now, move on to the Sweet Sixteen.  So…

Here’s to the Dayton Flyers...a team that has reached the National Championship before, and just may do it again!!

And for more on March Madness, how winter is clinging to the world, and a hodgepodge of other news, join IWS Radio LIVE today from Noon-2 PM ET as Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio gang light up the airwaves and the laughter while double-dribbling the issues of the day with major sarcasm.

To join the fun and frivolity LIVE, click HERE!!

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