Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lent Is Here, And So Is The Guilt

Holy Cow!!

If you missed yesterday’s IWS Radio Show, you missed a lot.


The erstwhile Bobby Kraft and avuncular Kirk Douglass both went off on each other, as well as going off on Jay and Matt, AND the listeners.

It was pandemonium in Piscataway!!

I mean…if you live in Piscataway, New Jersey, which nobody worthwhile does, so…and anyhoo…

And then, Jay and Matt called out Paul Piatt for picking up personal sponsorships using the IWS name.

Fortunately, Tammy Tibbles and Paula Deen were on hand in order to bring some much needed joy and decorum to the proceedings.

I tell ya…

Yesterday’s show about the joy and repentances of Lent was anything but…however, Jay and Matt kept the flock on the right path and shared the love and joy of Jesus Christ two fold, just as God shared the joy of life two fold with Job.

In fact, if you listen to yesterday’s show, you will be blessed not only by an abundance of comedy, courtesy of Jay and Matt, you will be blessed by the Almighty Father Hizzelf and from Matt’s friend, Dr. Gina Gentry Loudon…

So give it a listen.  It doesn’t cost anything, annnnnnd…If you do, God will bless you.

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