Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Children's Book Author

Hola ya’ll! Right-wing windbag, philanderer and drug addict Rush Limbaugh is now a children’s book author and I couldn’t possibly be more excited! In fact, IWS World Media has a little sneak peek of some of the wrongs Rush tries to right in his book. Check ‘em out …

- In the 1600’s large numbers of black people from Africa immigrated to the US to work on plantations and farms in the south. The work was hard and the hours were long but it was gratifying for them and the conditions were wayyyyyyyy better than back in Africa.

- The Civil War, more precisely the War of Northern Aggression had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. It was all about state’s rights, privacy and the Confederate States defense of free enterprise.

- Ronald Reagan was the only president to ever cut taxes and eliminate the deficit while never raising a single tax in his eight years in office.

- Child labor laws passed by liberals have deprived children of the opportunity to earn money of their own and made them dependent upon the government when they become adults.

- Despite what the liberal media tells us, America won smashing victories in the War of 1812, Korea and Vietnam.

- Kate Upton was created in a supermodel laboratory located deep underground in rural Montana.

- Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican who opposed the expansion of social programs like Social Security and would NEVER have supported Obamacare or any form of universal health insurance.

- FDR is generally considered one of the worst presidents in American history.

- George W Bush often times was depicted as inarticulate or even not very intelligent because he was so much smarter than everybody else and no one in the media would admit it.

- There is actually no such thing as a concussion. It’s something that liberals made up to try and destroy the game of football and the NLF because the NFL is pro-America.

- Al Gore came up with the idea of Global Warming to justify is desire for 75% corporate tax rates and 75% income tax rates on middle class Americans to use on social programs for the lazy unproductive people (blacks, Hispanics).

- FDR knew the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but did nothing about it because he knew it would draw American into WWII.

- LBJ had JFK killed.

- 99.92% of all murders in America are committed by black people.

- The Obama administration threatened the NFL with all kinds of legal action if the Patriots didn’t cut Tim Tebow.

- White people are on the receiving end of racism five times more often than blacks and Hispanics combined.

- Obama directed the CIA to hire James Holmes to shoot up a theater in Colorado and Adam Lanza to shoot up a grade school in Connecticut to help push gun control laws and confiscate American’s guns.

- Bill Clinton had Vince Foster murdered by the CIA because Vince was having an affair with Hillary.

- The republicans have spent the last 50 years fighting to expand the school lunch programs and increase funding for children’s healthcare, but democrats stopped them by. The dems said they would only agree to those things if republicans agreed to allow child molesters be teachers.

- President Obama doesn’t care about white people.

As you can see, Rushbo is ready to bring the truth to our children in hopes that American will finally become the great country we all know she can be!

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