Monday, September 9, 2013

Let's Get Random Y'all

Hola y’all! I don’t have shit for ya so it’s time for some random thoughts…

When are acid washed jeans gonna come back into style? I always loved those. What about parachute pants? Damn, my ass looked fine in those babies in ninth grade.

I’ve just about had enough of this temperatures in the mid-90’s every day crap. I should have a talk with Mother Nature and ask her why she’s fuckin’ with us like this. She’s probably just doing it to amuse herself. I can respect that.

Hold on. I’m going to get a sugar free Fudgesicle. Healthy ice cream!

I just watched the first half of the Eagles/Redskins Monday Night Football game. The Skins are trash. Holy crap they look as if they never had a preseason at all. Also, there’s an outside chance that Robert W. Griffin III isn’t really that good. At the very least he appears to be a paper tiger. Hit him a couple of times and you take the fight out of him. Time will tell I guess.

I’m so fucking tired of all the Syria talk. I was opposed to it at first, then listening to Obama and Kerry last week I came around to the idea, but then Pope Francis talked me out of it over the weekend on Twitter. Just kidding! I’ve been opposed to it all along.

            1. It won’t make a difference in terms of getting rid of Assad.
            2. The “mission” will slowly expand like it always does.
            3. I simply don’t have any faith in the Obama/Kerry/Hagel team.

RG3 just threw another interception. I’m telling ya, he might secretly suck.

I feel bad for Lady Ga Ga. She’s running around stark ass naked and nobody is even noticing her because of Miley’s shenanigans. Poor girl. I guess her only option is to have a three way with a dude and another chick on stage and maybe THEN she can get a little attention.

I’m down to only one Pepsi a day and it’s going great. I have one late afternoon while watching the Pioneer Woman on Food Network and that’s it. After dinner I have a glass of sugar free lemon ice tea which is downright delicious.

You may have noticed I’m trying to cut back my sugar consumption dramatically. It’s not easy but I’m working on it. My next target is to have something for breakfast better for me than Frosted Flakes.

I mentioned to someone on Twitter what a funny (“funny” = “stupid”) name Sloan Sabbith (Olivia Munn on the Newsroom) is, but I forgot how angry liberals get if you make fun of characters on their favorite liberal shows. Gotta always keep that in mind y’all.

Happy 1093rd birthday Louie XIV!

I was thinking of previewing the 2013 fall television schedule but it looks like a big bowl of stupid.

RG3 just threw a second third TD pass of the second half. I take it all back. He’s pretty good.

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