Saturday, September 7, 2013

John McCain: Person of the Week!

IWS Radio is PROUD to announce that our Person of the Week is none other than the great Maverick Senator from Arizona …. John McCain!!

Senator McCain is a truly great American from his service in Vietnam where he was a POW in the infamous Hanoi Hilton (you DID know he was a POW right? He almost never mentions it) to his looooooooooooong distinguished service in the US Senate, he has been a fixture in American politics and culture for nearly half a century.

In addition to his mavericky mavrickness where he’s “bucked his party” many times (although never in any meaningful way that would actually stop his party from doing what they want to do) he’s also a true American celebrity. McCain’s IMDB page has more entries than some Emmy and Academy Award winning actors and actresses.

This week has been an especially great week for McCain. It started with him saying that it would be “catastrophic” for congress to fail to support the mission in Syria. Then, a day or so later, he voted “no” on the proposal in the Foreign Relations Committee. Then, he said he would vote for it if they would add language expanding the scope of the mission and setting the stage for all-out war. Then, on top of everything else on Friday he said that “maybe Marijuana should be legalized.”  Damn, what a true American Maverick he is!

I will say that there is ONE THING that McCain has done over the years that we can all agree on. He father the lovely and talented Meghan McCain! Like her father, Meghan is a very serious person focused on policy and big national issues, when she’s not starring in her own reality show, of course.

Anyway, congrats to Senator John McCain, a Great American, on being named the IWS “Person of the Week!”

Also, don’t forget to catch IWS Radio’s “Ground Game andAerial Attacks” show Sunday at 12 Noon ET!!! 

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