Know Knock?
Who’s there?
George Zimmerman.
George Zimmerman, who?
You’re on the jury.
And then, later this past week Don West’s daughter Molly, posted a picture of Esquire Don and his other daughter, the slightly more than mildly hot Rachel West, on the internets. The trio seemed to certainly be enjoying the sucking and licking of their ice cream cones of stupidity.
What does all of this tell us?
Something we already knew, yet are constantly reminded of on a daily basis…
People are stupid!!
I know, I know…many of us knew that. Many of us know that even we are on occasion, kinda stupid, but here’s the thing…I’m talking about folks who are in government…or a position of power…or a person who addresses the masses through the media.
Don’t you think Attorney West could have told his daughter, or better yet, she on her own, would have the aforethought to not post a picture like that on the internet during the opening of the trial?
The West family refers to this Friday ice cream eating tradition as, the ice cream cone of stupidity, and well…they nailed that one.
Stupid, just plain stupid coming from the family of an attorney trying the biggest trial going to day, and then?
"I think polygamy is wrong, bigamy is wrong, and it's a crime in many places -- but how will that be justifiable now that the court has removed this [DOMA]? There's some [who] believe polygamy is a way to go….You know, King Solomon, many -- including me -- believe was the wisest man who ever lived…Of course, then he had too many wives, and that [will] always mess up anybody's wisdom."
Loony Louie while attempting to let the words of God pass through his lips, managed to insult and belittle Jewish Mormons and tie gay marriage to the evils of polygamy that were the downfall of King Solomon and Brigham Young.
And then, and THEN!! Last week, Paula Deen, in efforts to keep hold of her vast, yet quickly crumbling media empire, was stupid enough to think that common folk were stupid enough to buy her non-tearful, Jimmy Swaggart-type mea culpa on the TODAY Show.
But…there was a big difference between Swaggart’s apology and that of Paula Deen’s. Jimmy admitted that he sinned, and Paula? She just wants those of us who are without sin to hit her in the head with a rock. And let me tell ya, if I was without sin, I would find the biggest boulder in the world and crush her cranium until it was nothing but…butter.
Poor, clueless, and stupid Paula Deen, she is still living in the 60’s…the 1860’s.
People of financial worth, positions of governmental power, and litigational libido, prove every day that they too can be as stupid as the rest of us peons.
And really? We don’t need that. We need people to look up to. We need people who give us something to shoot for. We need heroes.
Sadly, as we approach yet another Independence Day, our forefathers, builders of American capitalism, and rebellious scalawags seem more and more impressive, because well…
Our “leaders” of today both public and private, are nothing more than self-involved, self-serving idiots, and to be truthful, so is a sizable cross-section of the American public.
Of course…a few folks who are not idiots did a radio show yesterday. Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio gang celebrated American Independence yesterday. They celebrated the greatness of leaders past, and did so, with the hottest and most articulate lesbian in the world, Angie!!
Angie was as always, awesome, as were Kirk Douglas, Buddy Acapella, Bobby Kraft, and Paul Piatt. If you missed the hilarity LIVE, you can listen to it right here:
Matt’s Facebook Page