If you have the day off today in honor of the American Chief Executives past and present, bully for you and enjoy your time off.
For those of you who do have the day off. There is no better way to spend your time off than by listening to IWS Radio.
Let me tell you. Last night, Jay, Matt, Dixie Ozark, Phil Diller, Bobby Kraft, and a cast of thousands entertained and informed the masses.
IWS covered, the Winter Olympics, Presidential history, truly American cuisine, re-capped Valentine’s Day, and as always, broke down what’s going on weather wise.
In addition to the informative hilarity that took place, both the switchboard and our hearts lit up, when we received a call from our favorite and hottest Canadian ever, Jaaaaaaaaaaaamie. Oh Canada, Baby!!
So today, while you are solemnly respecting the history and office holders of the American Presidency, listen to IWS Radio.
If you don’t listen, it can mean only thing…
You are, at best, un-American, and at worst…probably Norwegian.
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