Saturday, February 22, 2014

IWS Person of the Week: Rush Limbaugh, Patriot and Author

America has a rich tradition of producing some of the world's greatest writers.  Mark Twain, William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, and of course, IWS Radio's very own...Paul Piatt.

But ladies and gentlemen, a list of the true greats of American literature would be but an empty and pallid bust of Pallus if atop that bust sat not the King of American Literature...Our IWS Person of the Week...

That Great American, die-hard Patriot, and master of both history and the written word...

Rush Limbaugh!!

Not only is Rush Limbaugh a sexy and talented voice for right-thinking Americans, his knowledge of history is unequaled...

He put his extensive knowledge of American history into a bestseller last year when he penned, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims...

And 2014 is no different...Rush Limbaugh is following up his bestseller on March 12, 2014 with the sequel to his now classic kid's history book, with Rush Revere and the First Patriots...

Rush Limbaugh is talented, sexy, smart as hell, and that is why this lovable giant of both the spoken and written word is our IWS Person of the Week...

And speaking of giants of literature and writing in general, join Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team LIVE tonight on Blog Talk Radio from 8-10 PM ET as they broadcast their BTR Staff picked episode, Write Drunk, Edit Sober.

The Number One Comedy Show on Blog Talk Radio will be talking writing tips, fave authors, bad writing, and all the while taking your calls at 661.244.9852.

So join IWS Radio LIVE TONIGHT from 8-10 PM ET on the BTR Network.  You can catch all the literary hilarity by clicking HERE!!

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