Friday, January 31, 2014

Matt Said, Jay Said...XLVIII

Matt kicks off.  Jay runs it back.  You throw a flag for delay of the IWS Radio Show.

Matt: Hellroooooooo?
Jay:  Glad you finally realized that today is Show Prep Day.
Matt:  Well with Schmoop here everyday, I never know what day it is.
Jay:  Yeah…When she was working, and was home during the day, you knew it was Saturday or Sunday.
Matt:  I know, right?  And now?  I am completely lost, day of the week wise.
Jay:  Man…it’s hard being you.
Matt:  Pffffffffffft.  Don’t I know it.

Jay:  So, I guess we should not do a show this Sunday since it’s Super Bowl Sunday.
Matt:  Yeah…It’s a shame, but for some reason the Super Bowl is more interesting than our comedy.
Jay:  I don’t get that.
Matt:  Me neither.
Jay and Matt:  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Matt and Jay:  Plus, it would be nice to be able to watch the big game ourselves.  Hey-Ooooooooooooo!!

Jay:  Super Bowl Sunday is a good time…a few drinks…
Matt:  Some salty snacks…
Jay:  America coming together for four quarters…
Matt:  The dulled excitement of Joe Buck calling the game…
Jay:  If only Troy Aikman would feign a post-concussion seizure and deck that idiot.  That would be awesome!!
Matt:  Joe Buck’s neutrality as a human being, needs to be punched.
Jay:  Word.

Matt:  On the upside, Pam Oliver will be on the sidelines.  Mmmmmmmmm, Pam.
Jay:  Oh Hell Yeah…So will Erin Andrews; I hope the angry black man doesn’t frighten her again!!
Matt:  If he does, Sean Hannity will be all up in his ass.
Jay:  Ha…Sean Hannity couldn’t kick Erin Andrews’ ass, let alone Richard Sherman’s.
Matt:  Ha.  Word.

Jay:  So no show this Sunday, but we will be back February 9th.
Matt:  Damn straight, and it will be our Valentine’s Day Show.
Jay:  The Day of Heartache for female office workers who get one-upped by their female co-workers.
Matt:  It’s so sad when a chick feels less loved than her next-door cubicle buddy.
Jay:  It’s a fucking shame.
Matt and Jay:  Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

Matt:  Alright then…We’ll take this Sunday off during Super Bowl XLVIII, and come back February 9th.
Jay:  Sounds like a good plan.
Matt:  Enjoy your snacks and all of the gridiron action.
Jay:  You do the same, and pray for a costume malfunction involving Pam Oliver.
Matt:  I always do.

Jay and Matt:  Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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