Monday, January 6, 2014

Pre-Mature Sleep

Hi everybody.  It's me, Schmoop!!

On behalf of Matt-Man, I am apologizing for him not putting today's post up last night., y'see?

Bitterly cold air and working seven days a week at the Beer Mine don't mix too well.

Oh sure...Matt and Jay put out another awesome IWS Radio show last night, but after that, my baby was out...cold.

The show was over around 10:03 PM...Matt laid down on the couch "for a few minutes" at 10:06 PM, and that was the end of that.

In fact, he was so tired, that when I laid on top of him in order to see if I could get Mr. Winkie to come out and play, after a few minutes, instead of hearing Schmoop-Fueled pleasures of moaning all I heard from him was...


That's a tired boy right there!!

But, like I said, the boys did put on a great show.  Dusty Sandman, Rev. Moneymaker, Stubby Stonehenge, and Bobby Kraft were there as well.

So give it a listen today because it's too damn cold outside to do anything else.



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