Saturday, September 6, 2014

IWS Persons of the Week...Jennifer, Victoria, Kate, and Tamra

As Jayman mentioned yesterday on the IWS Radio website an evil act of privacy invasion by some scurrilous and woman disrespecting person this week resulted in the leaked photos of such wholesome and talented celebs such as Jennifer Lawrence, Victoria Justice, and Kate Upton.

We here at IWS Radio were SHOCKED and OUTRAGED that such a thing was perpetrated, so in order to make things right and help this trio of kind-hearted and decent women regain their self-respect, IWS Radio is making them our Persons of the Week.

Jennifer Lawrence deserves to shine on our blog without the fear of a couple of cavemen exploiting her as a piece of salacious flesh...

When Victoria Justice graces the pages of our award winning website, we make certain to cover up her most private part, sorta...

Kate Upton knows the score about Jay and Matt, and isn't afraid to set the record straight...

And...If you don't believe Kate, IWS Radio's very own Miss 4th of July Tamra knows that Jay and Matt are not two Neanderthals interested in boosting their ratings through the cheap and tawdry sexploitation of women...

We thank all of these fine young women for submitting to us and accepting the honor of being named the IWS Radio Persons of the Week!!

And don't forget...TODAY LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio, Jay, Matt and the entire IWS Radio team cover the unseemly world of hacking, feminism, misogyny, football, and sexual harassment as IWS Radio presents the...

Feminism, Misogyny, and Leaked Celebrity Nudes Show!!

Join us LIVE TODAY as we tackle the tough issues of men, women, and where the boundaries lie and the lines are crossed.

To catch us LIVE TODAY from Noon-2 PM ET click HERE.

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