Friday, September 19, 2014

J-Lo and Iggy's Booties LOVE IWS Radio!

Matt-Man and Jayman are a bit concerned about some of you people. Apparently, some of are willing to just let your fears run your lives. "I would have called in, but I was afraid to." Really? Why? "I'm afraid someone will say something mean about me?" Yeah? Well what if they do? Why do you care? Some anonymous jerk on the internet doesn't like you? Fuck 'em!

Look, we get it. It's hard to put yourself out there. There are lots of trolls and a-holes out there looking to say mean things. Maybe you WILL say something stupid. We all do! That's part of life. We have to stop being so scared of every little bitty thing. We have to overcome our fears and just do it.

IWS is here for you. Matt and Jay are going to help you overcome your fears and finally do whatever it is you've wanted to do. Want to write? You're welcome to post on anytime. Want to speak your mind? 661.244.9852. What to record it or maybe record a song? Hit us up. We'll help you do it and play here on IWS.

Matt and Jay understand your fears cause we have them too. Sometimes fear wins, but you can't just give up. We'll be talking fears from the very real to the imaginary, but real to us. Call us up and share your fears and how you overcame your own fears. This might be our most inspiring show ever. Or something.

That's "Always Do What You're Afraid To Do" on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET!!! 

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