Saturday, September 20, 2014

IWS Person(s) of the Week...Five Fearless Folks

At least in the realm of IWS Radio, today is “Always Do What You Are Afraid To Do Day.”  Both on the IWS website and on our radio show from Noon-2 PM ET later today, today is the day to admit our fears and begin a process in overcoming them.

Today of course is also Sunday, which means it’s time for the IWS Person(s) of the Week, and this week we honor five people who overcame their fears and went on to greatness…

Socrates…This great Greek philosopher was unabashedly firm in his belief of his philosophical teachings. The Greek powers that be were not impressed.  Socrates was arrested and after he refused to change his beliefs, he was killed.  Socrates learned that while the pen might be mightier than the sword, it is no match for hemlock.

Queen Boudicca…In the year 60 A.D., Boudicca led a revolt of Britons against the forces of Roman occupation.  While men on the British Isle remained as gay as the French are today, she led them into battle and nearly defeated the empirical Roman forces, but alas…it is presumed by the IWS research team that pre-menstrual cramps may have negatively affected her military acumen at a crucial time.

Frederick Douglass…The Fredster risked death to escape his life as a slave and wound up in New York to become one of the most effective and artful orators and writers of all-time as he wailed against the practice of slavery. When he died in 1895, he died knowing that all of our racial problems in the United States were behind us.

Maximilian Kolbe…During the Nazi occupation of Poland, Fr. Kolbe offered shelter to Polish Jews.  After being arrested twice by the Nazis, he was shipped to Auschwitz where he offered himself up and was killed in place of a Jew who was to be exterminated.  It was the last time a Catholic has ever offered up his body for something that wasn’t illegal.

Mikhail Gorbachev…Many people think highly of Mr. Gorbachev for having the courage to help lead the Soviet Union on the path to democracy, actually…He showed greater courage for going out in public with that big red stain thang on his head.

And there you have it folks…Five great people throughout history who have let loose their fears and have shown great courage.  You can do the same, and Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team are here to help.

Listen to IWS Radio today LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio as we together admit our fears, face our fears, and work to overcome them as IWS Radio presents the, “Always Do What You Are Afraid To Do” episode.

To listen LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET click HERE.

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