Sunday, September 21, 2014

One Million Listeners Can't Be Wrong!

Sometimes you gotta mix in the funny with a little bit of the serious y’all. That’s what we did on IWS Radio this week. Sure, we brought the funny as usual with our wild and wacky stories and some help from our correspondents as always, but there were also some moments of seriousness from a caller. Matt and Jay are professionals though, so they were able to roll right along with the funny and the serious. Just as you would expect.

Matt shared another “never happened before” story from the Beer Mine. (Conveniently located at the corner of Elmore and Burnett Rds in Bagwine, Ohio.)

Jay shared his saddest and most unfortunate story from his quest to meet a potential life partner on Facebook.

Some impromptu advice on how NOT to apply for a job.

Jamies Winston seems to be a little out of touch with reality. Maybe he put on his uniform in his mother’s car outside the stadium?

Woooooooo Pig Soooooie

Don’t be afraid to run a naked bootleg every once in a while.

And interview with our 1,000,000th listener Babatunde Campore who lives in Burkina Faso!

Whistling “God Bless America”

Discussing fears both real and imagined. Serial killers, raw poultry, dark and stormy nights, fear of success AND failure, dying alone, loneliness, rejection and on and on and on.

Took a call from the lovely and talented Scarlett Letters. Scarlett shared some of her fears. Many of those fears were the same as some of Jay’s fears!

How Matt and Jay overcame their fears and anxieties to start IWS Radio

An interesting call from Mark of Global Political Awareness where he talked about spiritual awakening and dealing with dangers all over the world.

Then Jamie Mapleleaf called and brought the charm as always!

Simon and Garfunkle closed us out!

What a show! You gotta check it out y’all!


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