Sunday, July 20, 2014

Guys We Fucked

Let me tell you boys and girls…Yesterday during the IWS Radio Show things got wild!!

First off, Jay and Matt berated Blog Talk Radio for currying favor toward hot chicks with potty mouths, and let me tell you…this will not stand.

Next week’s IWS Radio Show is going to be an explicit show about explicitness!!  So, strap yourself in or go home, be hernia free, or be a lesser person for not being able to meet the risk…and the challenge.

After nearly thirty minutes of berating BTR for not caring about men…men who pay good money to be “Premium” members, and ultimately proving our point that Blog Talk Radio only promotes shows hosted by women of loose values and questionable moral character…

Jay and Matt after being angered by these facts, settled down, and put on one helluva great radio show yesterday.

Sure, the two Cocks…Slyder and Drew couldn’t give a correct answer to save their lives…

Aunt Jax, while incredibly LATE to the party with her song (which was HOT) hung out with us and was awesome…

Bobby Kraft made fun of online quiz results, and our very own Matt-Man as well.  It was awesome!!

Jamie Mapleleaf was so God Damn Canadian while chiming in, that while even not listening, Bill Shatner cried.

Kip Kelly was on hand to announce his new game show, and really?

The show was all about fun as we asked each other trivia questions, however…

Enjoy this show now, because if you do not?  When next week’s show comes around, you will hopefully be offended to the point where you tell your friends and neighbors.

Here you go my friends and neighbors…If you missed us LIVE on Sunday, you can catch all of the IWS Radio hilarity, right here…

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