Sunday, July 27, 2014

Getting Down 'n Dirty on IWS

IWS got down and dirty this week! In response to BTR sudden lack of rules against dirty shows, Matt-Man and Jayman decided if you can’t beat them, join them. Well, for one week anyway. To keep pace with the new influx of smutty shows we got smutty too! REALLY smutty! There were discussions about all kinds of fun stuff …

Beer mine stories.

Difficulties of having sex with a hot Jewish girl.

Some sex advice from Sue Johanson for women who have boyfriends with HUGE penises.

How uncomfortable this subject matter is for Matt-Man and Jayman.

Erotic Reading by SkyDad!

Sexy food.

Erotic Poetry from Jaxxx and Paul Piatt.

Erotic Reading by GlassHalfFullGal.

Wet Dreams and Nocturnal Emissions.

Sex Ed in school vs cable TV access.

Jaxxx called in and got a little freaky with us talking about fetishes and the weirder side of sex.

How sex scenes in movies and on TV are so stupidly unrealistic

Guy Ahnurdyck is in a bit of trouble.

Bobby Kraft read “Fifty Shades of Jay”

And all kinds of other deeply disturbing and pretty damn hilarious stuff! Listen and then take a long hot shower!

                                    New Comedy Podcasts with IWS Radio on BlogTalkRadio

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