Friday, April 4, 2014

Pussy Riot, Paulina Gretzky and MSJS

Jay rambles, Matt snoozes, You zone out.

Matt: Cheers!
Jay: Holaaaaaaaaaaa!
Matt: Guess what?
Jay: What.
Matt: That wasn’t a very enthusiastic “what” right there.
Jay: Yes it was. I care deeply.
Matt: I’m detecting sarcasm here.
Jay: You mean projecting.
Matt: No, I don’t think my news is exciting to you.
Jay: How will I know if you don’t tell me?
Matt: Hmmm … Okay I’ll tell you.
Jay: Today?
Matt: Yes … I’m going to have Thursdays off in addition to Sundays.
Jay: Oh that’s great.
Matt: See? You’re not excited.
Jay: I’m more excited than Schmoop.
Matt: Who isn’t???!!!
Jay: Me. But I am excited about one thing
Matt: What’s that?
Jay: Hillary Clinton hanging out with Pussy Riot
Matt: That’s hot

Jay: Oh hey! Paulina Gretzky is on the cover of Golf Digest
Matt: Who’s she?
Jay: Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones’ daughter.
Matt: Does she play pro golf?
Jay: Nope
Matt: Is she hot?
Jay: You could say that.
Matt: Well okay then.
Jay: I guess so.
Matt: Some people probably have a problem with this, right?
Jay: Yup
Matt:  good
Jay: I guess
Matt: I’m outrage .. outraged … not outraged.
Jay: Maybe you can find some more by Sunday?
Matt: I’ll …. try
Jay: That’s all anyone can ask of you

Jay: So we’re all about Rejection, Heartache and Haggis this week?
Matt: yeah
Jay: Okay we can do this!
Matt: of …………….. course
Jay: Paul Piatt? Slyder? Schmoop?
Matt: uh huh
Jay: Bobby K? Dusty? Ma Tibbles?
Matt: mmm hmmm
Jay: Final Four talk?
Matt: uuuuuuuu
Jay: Maybe some hot rock ‘n roll from Aunt Jackie
Matt: ….
Jay: Beer Mine story or two?
Matt: ….
Jay: Scottish independence?
Matt: …
Jay: Anything else?
Matt: …
Jay: Matt?
Schmoop: Matty’s gone bye-bye
Jay: Is he breathing?
Schmoop: Probably
Jay: Well that’s good.
Schmoop: I guess
Jay: Okay then
Schmoop: I’m gonna shave his eyebrows
Jay: Good call

So, be sure to join us for Rejection, Heartache and Haggisthis Sunday at 12 Noon ET … make note of that … back on at 12 Noon ET!!!! On IWS RADIO!!

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