Sunday, April 27, 2014

Haters Gonna Hate, But IWS Radio Loves

Cheeeeers Bitches, and a Happy Monday to you all!!

Let me tell ya.  Yesterday?  Rev. Moneymaker doubled down on his love for sacramental wine and his abhorration for people who sit in judgment.

Joshua captivated us with a review of a new movie starring Robin Williams.

Paul Piatt got a little freaky and was less than courteous to other writers.

Cliven Bundy explained his moochiness and racism, and Bobby Kraft gave us all the 411 on small talk, and not to do it.  Mmmmmm-kay!?


If you you missed yesterday’s IWS Radio show LIVE, you can catch it all right here, and please do so, before our vegan correspondent (whom you can hear) Brock Lee falls over from lack of protein…

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