Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hey? Did You Know..?

Cheeeeeeeers Chuckleheads!!

Hey?  Did you know that it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month?  I’m not kidding.  So folks out there, check out your breasts.

Hey?  Did you know that this coming Thursday is my son’s 19th birthday?  If you are going to his birthday party this Saturday, tell him I said hi.

Hey?  Did you know that today is National Babbling Day?  So c’mon folks, go out there today and be yourselves.

Hey?  Did you know that the suggested serving size of Great Value Tater Tots is ten tots?  It’s true, so let’s not make a pig out of yourselves at your next meal.

Hey?  Can you tell I woke up around 10:06 PM Sunday night and realized that it was my turn to post on the IWS website?

Hey?  Did you know that around here at least, Pizza Hut still has the any pizza for ten bucks offer.  Schmoop and I took advantage of that yesterday and we bought two.  We’re such pigs.

Hey?  Did you know that IWS Radio is the #1 comedy show on Blog Talk Radio?  It’s true…you should scurry off and listen to it…multiple times a day.

Hey?  Did I tell you that my BFF Schmoop started her period yesterday?  Perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned that.

Hey?  Would you take you the trash sometime?  Thanks.

Hey?  Can you tell that I am just phoning this one in?  I thought so.

Hey?  Did you know that Jay is positive that his life sucks and will never get any better.  That’s so sad.

Hey?  Are you a Wiccan or know somebody who is?  We’d like to interview a Wicca type folk on next Sunday’s show.

Hey?  I’m outta here, but before I go, I have something to ask of you…

Give yesterday’s IWS Radio Show a listen.  Jayman, myself, and even the uber-hot Schmoop got all reflective and introspective n’shit.

Annnnnnnnnnd folks….Thanks to Martin, we got naked with Tamron Hall; LIVE on the show!!  It was awesome.

So listen up and give it a laugh…


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