Sunday, December 7, 2014

College Football Playoffs, Celebrity Feuds and More!

It was all about celebrities, feuds and how none of those feuds were ever OUR fault, the college football playoffs and all kinds of other cool stuff on IWS Radio! Dig it …

Jayman is the kind of guy you take home to mom.

Matt is nervous about his court appearance coming up on Tuesday.

Matt was a little gassy this week.

Jayman went everywhere he possibly could that would result in some sort of confrontation with no dice.

Jayman had to hang up and call back in to get a better line. So frustrating.

Phil Diller brought the funny.

Pearl Harbor Day shout outs

The guy who designed the Japanese Flag was a little lazy and unimaginative.

You know Hitler used to like to make people wait too! Looking at you college football playoff committee! Instant analysis of the playoffs ensued!

Alarmist Weatherman had a tearful goodbye to his friend and mentor Kirk Douglas.

COG and Jessie Ferg took over the chat room.

We’ve had a few feuds over the years. Greg Gutfeld, Salmon Rushdie, Doug Benson, Sean Hannity and more.

A few BTR and Blog feuds. Dog Bloggy, Snug, DD and of course our old friend Joker.

Then we realized that the common denominator of all those feuds was Dana. Weird huh?

Canadian Bureau Chief Jamie Mapleleaf laid into Gwyneth Paltrow and hopes Martha Stewart kicks “Gwinnie’s” ass!

And soooooooooooo much more! Definitely check it out!


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