Friday, December 5, 2014

Whole Lotta Feudin' Goin' On ...

Don't you love celebrity feuds? Or feuds between two pseudo-celebrities? Or feuds between countries, leaders, friends or anyone at all? Well Matt and Jay do too! And being world famous internet radio starts sometimes Matt and Jay find themselves in the middle of these feuds. They NEVER start them, of course. They would never do something like that! Well, not usually. Sometimes there's just no choice though.

So this week Matt and Jay will be talking about their favorite famous feuds. Celebrities, politicians, athletes, blogers, friends and even family! Matt and Jay will break them all down for you and tell you who was right and who was wrong.

Then they'll talk about some of their own feuds they've been involved in both with celebrities and "regular" people. There have been blog feuds, social media tiffs, Facebook face-offs and general ugliness from time to time. There might even be a BTR feud brewing right now! Or maybe it will be starting as the show goes along. We'll see.

Our Canadian Bureau Cheif Jamie Mapleleaf will be here along with some of our correspondents to entertain and inform you. Maybe they've held a few grudges they'd like to talk about or even throw out a peace offering? Or not.

Anyway, it's gonna be another star-studded show sure to entertain people of all ages! Don't forget those phone lines are always open so if you have a running feud with someone (OR US!!!) call us up and let it all out!

So be sure to join Matt and Jay for "Celebrity Ugliness Negates True Sincerity" on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET!! 

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