Saturday, December 6, 2014

IWS Person of the Week...Rev. Al Sharpton, the Prince of Peace!!

Sometimes, communities become divided…ego-driven rifts can develop between celebrities, and feuds between groups of people can develop and cause pain and suffering and tragically sometimes even violence.

When things like this happen a man of peace, of wisdom, and the power to heal hearts is needed, and nobody has answered that any longer nor done it any better than our IWS Person of the Week

The Rev. Al Sharpton.

When Rev. Sharpton ascends into the bully pulpit, one can immediately sense something righteous and supernatural about him…

And when Rev. Al is ready to call out proprietors of injustice using his powerful oratory of God-Given splendor, he let’s the evil doers have it…

And being a man of the cloth and a knight in shining armor to the downtrodden and forgotten shadows of humanity, the ladies dig him…

And while some call him a race peddler, a charlatan, or even an opportunistic hate-filled black man, we here at IWS Radio know that Rev. Al Sharpton loves everyone and has been placed here on Earth in order to bring the peace and end the feuding…

Congrats to Rev. Al, our IWS Person of the Week!!  And…

Speaking of ill-will, in fighting, and feuds, join the IWS Radio gang LIVE TODAY from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio as we present the Celebrity Ugliness Negates True Sincerity episode.

Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team will be talking celebrity feuds, personal feuds, social media feuds, and family feuds.  It’s not a pleasant topic but it’s good to clear the air before the joyous season of Christmas swings into full gear.

So join us LIVE TODAY from Noon-2 PM ET and call-in and get all of the angst and bitterness off of your chest.  To listen LIVE click HERE!!

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