Thursday, November 14, 2013

Feeling Thankful and Blessed

Holaaaaaaaaaa! So, it’s been a long two weeks here in Redneckville. First, my Nana Creta passed away which meant lots of time spent in situations where there was potential for me to say or do something stupid. Luckily, I made it through all that unscathed though. Then, as a result of being outside so much over those days and the ups and downs of the weather, I caught a cold. It’s been nothing but hacking, coughing, sneezing and snotting for like 5 days now and I’ve just about had enough of it.

Well, it’s not all doom and gloom. I got lots and lots of love and support when Nana Creta died last week and lots of get well wishes the last couple of days. That includes some “sexy healing vibes” from an ungodly sexy and wonderful babe. All of that has made me feel much better and given me a warm and fuzzy feeling all over.

And, on top of all that our “Games People Play” episode of IWS Radio has had a blowout week! Not only did we hit #1 early in the week in the Comedy category, we have now climbed all the way to #5 in the main Entertainment category! For some reason BTR decided to make Comedy a sub-category of Entertainment, but we have overcome this outrageous slight and persevered like the hardworking, grind-it-out, never-say-never guys we are.

So, you know what would be awesome? If everyone listened to “Games People Play” ONE MORE TIME! Hell yeah!

We love and appreciate each and every one of you guys out there and are so grateful for your support!
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