Monday, November 11, 2013

Darryl Parks Fired by Clear Channel Communications

Until very recently, I enjoyed Saturday mornings.

Schmoop would wake me at 7:30.  I’d have a cup of coffee or two, sleepily throw on the trappings that I wore to work the day before, make the short drive to cash my check, and hurriedly head back home.

I’d make certain that the aforementioned Saturday morning ritual went down without a miscue, so that I could get back home in time to enjoy one last cup of coffee, and listen to Darryl Parks do his Saturday morning talk show on 700 WLW.

His friendly, more than humorous, and logical banter never failed to brighten my mood prior to my Saturday 11-9 shift at the Beer Mine.  And, I already miss it, because due to a case of corporate dementia, he has been let go.

I know, I know…perhaps at this point, you are saying to yourselves…

“Um…Gee Matt.  I am sorry that you are so upset about losing the 120 minutes of joy in your week, but…I’m sure you can fill that void with someone or something else.”

Well…I’m sure I could, but that’s not the point.  His two hour a week show was but a raindrop of what he did.

The point is, that Clear Channel Communications, that right wing Buchenwald of modern day radio has recently gassed one of the most talented people in radio.

Darryl Parks who since 2010, had been Clear Channel’s Vice-President for News Talk Operations, was fired Wednesday November 6th by said company.

Yes, I am upset that I will no longer get to hear his 2 hour show a week that I am sure he did because he enjoyed keeping in touch with an audience, but I am going to miss him more for adding a common sense voice to a decidedly right wing radio empire.

And perhaps more than that, I hate to see good and exponentially talented people get cast aside due to being too truthful, talented, pointing out problems with the FCC, and calling the National Association of Broadcasters meeting nothing but a, “circle jerk.”

God forbid that one of the most talented people in radio speak the truth and upset the apple-litude cart of Clear Channel’s latest two-five year plan or whatever.

Gimme a break.

I know that the radio division of Clear Channel is for the most, nothing more than a platform for right wing entertainment, but Jesus Christ, isn’t there room for Darryl Parks?

A man who is not only right of center but smart, successful, articulate, and entertaining as well?

I guess not, and you know why?

Because Clear Channel Communications, in spite of their right wing ideology, does not want one of their own rocking the boat of the FCC nor the National Association of Broadcasters.

Because Clear Channel knows, and as Darryl Parks has always said, “Rule Number One in Radio, is ratings and revenue.”

And therein lies the irony of this bullshit firing of Darryl “Kickin’ the Dog” Parks.

Clear Channel Communications, the bastion of anti-government radio is worried that comments made by one of its shining stars may have upset the government agency known as the FCC, and upset a group of stodgy old broadcasters.


Clear Channel wants it both ways…To hate the government on the air for ratings, and yet, have its corporate treasure protected by the very government upon which it chides.

In the instant, one of the most talented guys in radio is out of work.

Maybe it's for the best, because it shines a light on the corporate/government hypocrisy that takes place every day, and…

Darryl Parks will find another job soon…Yeah, he’s that good…He’s that good.


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