Friday, October 10, 2014

Bavarian Beer Garden Break-Up

With the exception of those uber-bitter ISIS thugs, folks all over the world are celebrating the 2014 Oktoberfest season.  Jay, Matt, and the staff of IWS Radio are no exception, and are having an Oktoberfest celebration of their own.

Cold beer, hot babes, and laugh out loud funny wit and satire from the IWS Radio Players are on the party menu.  In addition to Oktoberfest…

Matt-Man found out this week that after nearly twenty-eight years of less than wedded bliss, he will be getting that dissolution of marriage that he so richly deserves.

So, IWS Radio is celebrating a joyful uber-bash of all things German, all things beer, and all things divorce related this week.

On hand for the big soiree will be Jamie Mapleleaf, Bobby Kraft, Pete Nietzsche, and perhaps even the nearly recovered willy-willy survivor, Stubby Stonehenge.

Listen in, join the party, and chime in with your phone calls tomorrow LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio as IWS Radio presents a Bavarian Beer Garden Break-Up.

To listen LIVE tomorrow from Noon-2 PM ET, click HERE!!

Danke schön and Prosit!!

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